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Evie for sale , stunning Mk1 saloon in conifer

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Hi all , centre spread in Practical Classics this month is Evie the beautiful Conifer and red leather MK 1 2000 saloon that was formerly mine and previously belonged to the late John Snook . It’s still in superb condition and has the uprated rear suspension fitted by Dale Barker  a Dynamator and individually relayed headlights (also fitted by Dale)  . Colin Stretton is the current owner and he is slimming down his superb collection of Triumphs and would like ‘ Evie’ to stay in the Club . He is open to sensible offers around £9000. ( but please speak to him) The car is non overdrive and non power steered . It has a CT comps history having completed the C2C when in my ownership . I only sold it when I decided to restore Olaf having bought it with the intention of transferring Olaf’s running gear . When it came to it it was just too nice! It’s not concours but it could quite easily be with some fettling ,it’s a really lovely car . Very smooth engine and the mileage is around low seventies with documentation to substantiate. If you’ve been hankering after a Mk1 you can’t go wrong with Evie . She has now featured in three magazines . 





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