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Hi all C2C 23 entrants and crew,  below is the text of an email I have just sent all entrants. It is the C2C 23 Briefing. 

Howard will also send this out in WhatsApp shortly. The Briefing gives you key information for the event. Locations, times, what to do & when to do it and how to do it!




Bring this with you in either digital or printed format

Here is The Briefing for the Club Triumph Coast to Coast Run for 2023. 


1      Acknowledgements

Entrants – 35 starters. Thank you! The Team hope you have a safe and enjoyable experience

The Beck Restaurant, Mabelthorpe – For hosting our supper

The Roadhouse, Whitland – For hosting our breakfast

Howard – for preparing and plotting the route & setting up the WhatsApp Group

Dale – For the support that he has given to specialist parts of the event

Darren – for organising the car park and starting the event

Clive Senior & Craig Gingell – For the IT system that has made the administration possible.

2      Start and Finish

The event will start at The Beck Restaurant, Quebec Road, Mabelthorpe, Lincolnshire, LN12 1LU.

The event will finish at Roadhouse, Llanboidy Road Roundabout, Whitland, Carmarthenshire SA34 0LG.

3      Timetable

Saturday 24th June

16:30 – 17:00

Teams are to register for the event and to sign the MsUK Disclaimer and Indemnity at The Beck Restaurant. Exact location in the restaurant TBA.

16:30 – 18:15

Food available for entrants and crew to purchase.

18:30 – 19:00

Teams to return to their cars in the Car Park and ensure that they are ready for departure starting at 19:00.

19:00 – Event start

Sunday 25th June

01:00 to 02:00

Mandatory 1 hour rest stop at M6 Stafford Southbound Services.

08:00 onwards     

Teams arrive at Roadhouse, Whitland.  Breakfast is available to purchase. 

4           Before leaving Home


You will need to have prepared your car, yourself and your crew. To get to the event start, drive the event and get home your team and car may need to cover nearly 1,000 miles.  There are no specific areas of the car that need attention but it needs to be in good overall order and meet current UK safety regulations. This is an endurance event, so you will need to be as rested and relaxed as you can be at the start. It will help if you are confident you have all you will need before you leave home.

 You must bring the following with you:

·         Your programmed Satnav / smart phone and / or marked up road atlas

·         The smart phone you registered with C2C WhatsApp group

·         Phone / Satnav power leads and chargers

·         A paper copy of the sign in sheet from the Road Book

·         The Coast 2 Coast 2023 Road Book containing the Timetable (paper or electronic copy)

·         A paper or electronic copy of this Briefing.

You should consider the following:

·         Loading your tool kit and usual spares for events

·         Breakdown / recovery insurance

·         If staying overnight, details of your booking

·         Any food and consumables you will need during the event.

5      Arrival at The Beck Restaurant

The Beck has a large adjoining car park to the right of the restaurant as you enter. We are to park in there. Please obey the instructions of Darren Sharp or other team member in a red event polo shirt. If you have difficulty getting to the start on time phone Chris Shaw on 07707 663402.

6      Registration / Sign On /Merchandise Collection

Registration / Sign On / Merchandise Collection will be near the restaurant entrance. You will be advised where on arrival. Here you will sign the Motorsport UK Declaration and Indemnity (see link https://www.clubtriumph.co.uk/files/file/68-c2c-23-msuk-sign-on-declaration-and-indemnity-v01docx/ ), receive your event vinyls and entrants list and collect your merchandise. Please let me know if you have Carbon Balancing Subscription or Event Cover.

7      Supper

The Beck serves a full menu and a carvery. To speed our serving we (and The Beck) recommend the carvery, it is renowned in Lincolnshire.  See https://www.thebeck.co.uk/thecarvingdeck

 8      The Start

The event will start promptly at 19:00. Darren will officiate, please comply with his instructions. The road from Mabelthorpe to Louth is very twisty and great fun.  Those entrants that want to take this briskly ensure that you are ready at 19:00 and form an orderly queue under Darren’s direction.

9      Mandatory Halt

The Mandatory one hour break at the M6 Roadchef Stafford Services (Southbound) ST15 OXE.

Fuel, vending machines and sandwiches will be available to purchase.  These services are not great, so don’t expect much.  I apologise for this but they are the only place that is open that meets our needs. I will make myself visible to the early arrivals and will need to sign your Road Book.  Howard will take over later and do the same.

10  Alternative Finishing Routes

You will have seen in The Roadbook there are three alternative ways of reaching Whitland from Lampeter.  The quicker alternatives are recommended for teams who are behind schedule for any reason or who need to stop for a rest.

The distance and time required for each is given below:

1) Lampeter / St David’s / Whitland 96 miles / 2 hours 40 mins

2) Lampeter / Cardigan / Whitland 56 miles / 1 hour 40 mins

3) Lampeter / Whitland 38 miles / 1 hour 10 mins

11  Finishing at Whitland

The Roadhouse has a large car park.  Please park neatly as near the restaurant entrance as you can so that we can take some photos for Club Torque.  As you enter the restaurant, a team member  will sign you off the event and give you a Finishers Sticker, please have your Road Book with you.

Once in the restaurant, The Roadhouse staff will advise you what to do to get your well earned breakfast.

12  Incidents on the Route

The Organisers will broadcast WhatsApp messages about incidents, delays and road closures, requests for help etc. to everyone.

I can be contacted on 07707 663402 by voice.

Howard can be contacted on 07966 455643 or via WhatsApp messages, voice or video.

Please only use voice in the initial instance for an emergency.

In the unlikely circumstance that the event has to be curtailed you will be notified by WhatsApp as above.  Stop at a nearby safe place, remove all event branding from your car and continue to your next destination of choice.

13  Breakdown or Emergency

In the case of a breakdown, pull of the road at the safest possible place. If you need help raise your bonnet.  Passing crews stop, if safe, and see if you can assist. If you do not need assistance, or are just having a nap, leave the bonnet down.

You have an Entrant’s List giving other entrant’s names, car, registration and phone numbers.  Should you need a specific part  or need specialist help , contact entrants with similar models to see if they are able to help

If you need to retire, from a safe place text me on 07707 663402 with Entry no, Entrant name, location, confirmation you are safe, cause of retirement.

In emergency.  From a safe place phone me on 07707 663402.

14  Driving Standards

You won’t need reminding this is not a race or any form of competition and that  you are subject to all UK Road Traffic Laws, MsUK Regulations and Club Triumph Supplementary Regulations (see link https://www.clubtriumph.co.uk/files/file/60-c2c-23-supplementary-regs-v10docx/ ).  As the event is sanctioned under Motorsport UK Touring Permit no. 131434, it will therefore be reasonable to assume we may be observed by MsUK.

Do not bring the club into disrepute by discourteous, inconsiderate, reckless or dangerous driving.  Particularly on single track roads be the first to give way to oncoming traffic. Also watch out for walkers, cyclists and animals. Finally, in inhabited areas drive quietly and dip your headlights.

If you have a car behind you that obviously wants to go faster please let it past safely and do not encourage dangerous overtaking.  This is particularly relevant in Wales. There are good open roads on which it is tempting to drive quickly.  They are deceptive and have a very high rate of serious accidents.  In this area Emergency services are relatively few and have a long way to go to get to incidents. BE VERY CAREFUL.

15  Data Protection

Your Entrants List contains the phone numbers of all entrants.  After the event please dispose of this list securely by shredding or burning.

16  Questions

If you have any questions, catch Howard or myself at The Beck.

17  Phone numbers

Chris Shaw 07707 663402 / Howard Brissenden 07966 455643 / Darren Sharp 07906 596489

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I would like to wish all entrants on this event the very best of luck. The route looks epic (well done Chris and Howard)) and  I only wish that I could also be taking part this time. All being well I look forward to resuming C2C activity wef next year. In the meantime I will derive vicarious pleasure by following this year's event and reading subsequent reports.


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Thanks very much Tim.

It is a great shame you cannot take part this year.  We have a good selection of TR4s, all white.  Yours would have been a notable addition to the line up.




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