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Age shall weary them....as you you grow old( Binyon retold)

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When I was a `young un` and driving my Spitfire in the seventies (bought out of a car showroom) , I used to enjoy driving all over the place. Top down ,open necked shirt etc etc throw a block of cheese and bread in the cockpit for a snack and laugh at the driving glove user, elderly

Now,  especially after the Covid era, I have to pre plan every Spitfire journey ,so I can enjoy going out for trips out , especially long drives. I have to pre pack foods that I am now not allergic to and avoid buying the odd snack or meal , not having the knowledge of what they contain.Also , now having to consider.....driving gloves ......, whatever the weather. Knuckles that swell up in the cold or draughty weather is no joke. I now live in the era of people laughing at me in driving gloves.!   Anyone else having to suffer the same?

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I tend to now park the Spit away from the curb otherwise I can't get out with right foot on pavement.  I said to my wife it makes me feel like an old man. She pointed out I am an old man. 🤔


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