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Raider's Triumph October 5th & 6th


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Advance notice that this year's Raider's Triumph will be on the afternoon of Saturday October 5th and the morning of Sunday October 6th.

It will be based at the Old Stone Trough in Kelbrook and will use the same venues as before but not on the same day. The plan is to use Protection and Performance in Earby on the Saturday (about 5 tests) and Lateral in Keighley on the Sunday, again for 5 tests.

We have reserved 10 rooms at the Old Stone Trough for the night of the 5th.

It's a Production Car Autotest and part of the CT Driver Challenge, probably limited to a maximum entry of 20 cars.

The aim is a sociable and competitive event.

Signing on and scrutineering on Saturday lunchtime, an afternoon's competition and then the half way results available in the evening over a meal and refreshments in the OST.

Next day, breakfast, a morning's competition before returning to the OST for final results, awards and a buffet lunch.

Regs etc available nearer the date ;)

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