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Everything posted by JohnD

  1. Over on Facebook, TSSC page, James Parker has posted about a Vitesse that will be scrapped if not bought. Looks OK, everything there, but I've no idea on condition. It needs saving! John
  2. DVD, no problem, just that I'd found those makers and couldn't be bothered to go back to Another Place! If your specialist can't/wont work with old BS standards, but you want an original style loom, why go on employing him? You ate the customer! John PS over at Yet Another Place someone has found a loom maker who will add to the OE loom design: https://www.tr-register.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/86025-tr4-loom/#comment-821575
  3. DVD, no problem, just that I'd found those makers and couldn't be bothered to go back to Another Place! If your specialist can't/wont work with old BS standards, but you want an original style loom, why go on employing him? You are the customer! John
  4. DVD, You asked in Another Place, and I suggested there that you looked for a bespoke loom maker. Here are some: https://www.stmotorsport.net/ https://www.autosparks.co.uk/bespoke-wiring (They offer off the shelf Spitfire looms, so bespoke should be easy) In fact a Google search for "bespoke vehicle wiring looms" finds dozens of makers. Good luck, JOhn
  5. Here you go, Wendy. Radiator out, lift engine/gearbox, tilt, turn sideways and level, move car forwards to bring engine/gearbox close to windscreen (PROTECT THE WINDSCREEN!), close bonnet, move car back, lower engine/gearbox to floor or trolley. Voila! John
  6. Wendy, Given a "Load Leveller" https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/274541720802?chn=ps&_ul=GB&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=274541720802&targetid=1814673648942&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=1006854&poi=&campaignid=19089547614&mkgroupid=142438599285&rlsatarget=aud-1641271186540:pla-1814673648942&abcId=9303859&merchantid=113378634&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA0PuuBhBsEiwAS7fsNdNpS14YnLSctoAXvEGB40_sld9lm-KpZ_QV4L3A58QUbvAHKIACHhoCrPQQAvD_BwE and a high enough lify point, EG a stout rafter, you can take the engine and gearbox out of a Vitesse and leave the bonnet on. Should be easy on a Herald. On my phone now, I'll post pics when back on desktop. John
  7. I've no association with this company, which has a business model of raffleing cars, and this one if for a Spitfire: https://www.bridgeclassiccarscompetitions.co.uk/ Good luck, if you want one! JOhn
  8. I saw a message on my mobile from someone, about my mold for the estate roof. They wanted to discuss borrowing it. I can't find the message! Please, whoever it was, contact me again? PM me here, or use Messenger? John
  9. Good bench! Mine is similar, very stout wood, bolted to the wall. Had it forty years. May I suggest some metal sheathing at the front, where you may hammer things? I used large counter sunk screws to hold down some 4mm aluminium tread plate, upside down for a smooth working surface. John
  10. Many diesels use a fuel.cooler. I suspect that even brand new one would be cheaper than a bespoke one. See. https://www.google.com/search?q=diesel++fuel+cooler&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sca_esv=40ad471a4e6b196f&sxsrf=ACQVn09YpETQIpC1nR2MqXVuL32RIUh5zQ%3A1707839126542&ei=lo7LZe7TILm2hbIP1-eSmAs&oq=diesel++fuel+cooler&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhNkaWVzZWwgIGZ1ZWwgY29vbGVyMgsQABiABBiKBRiRAjIGEAAYBxgeMgYQABgHGB4yBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIEEAAYHjIEEAAYHjIEEAAYHkjASFDIDlixO3AAeACQAQCYAc0BoAHOEqoBBjAuMTQuMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCDqAC8BHCAgkQABgHGB4YsAPCAg4QABiABBiKBRiGAxiwA8ICCxAAGIAEGKIEGLADwgILEAAYiQUYogQYsAPCAgcQIxiwAhgnwgIIEAAYBRgeGA3CAgsQABiABBiKBRiGA8ICCBAAGIAEGKIEwgIIEAAYiQUYogSYAwDiAwQYASBBiAYBkAYIkgcGMC4xMi4y&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp
  11. You need to say what is the overdrive ratio. Or, what type of O/d you have. And what is a "25% higher ratio gearbox"? Pointing at your left foot sounds like zero.
  12. When i was planning to take my Vitesse to the US (didnt go - something called Covid got in the way!) Hagerty were the only ones I could find to offer me road insurance in the US. So maybe they could do it in reverse? John
  13. I've read before of modern copy chain tensioners breaking. I've always reused the old ones. John
  14. Either would do, for dozens of Herald tanks! Smaller ones are available, on hire.
  15. Wot?!? Is this the Scouts? or have I struck oil?
  16. That last surely is a Titan third stage in transit?
  17. Like this? Mmmmmmmeh! Maybe!
  18. Is the second pic the residue in a plastic tub? YUK! That amount of rust may have left pin holes. Fill with water and stand on newspaper overnight - any leaks? If there are, they can be patched or the holes sealed with some internal rubbery substance, but really the tank should be condemned! Before you empty it, add some washing up detergent, in fact LOTS, and try to boil it - a camp stove or similar. I know, a flame, on a petrol tank? But if filled with water, and kept filled, you're safe. Flush out, and repeat until the hot water appears clear. Another way would be steam cleaning, not what you might use to take off wall paper, but a proper jet of steam! Some industries, or transport firms may use that to clean plant and vehicles. Bikers will put some pebbles or a handful of nuts and bolts into the tank, wrap it in a blanket and pop the parcel in a concrete mixer! Same as polishing stones in a tumbler! But I fear the Herald tank is too big, unless you can think of a way to rotate it! Good luck. John
  19. runnel's post's wording suggests that they are in North America. Runnel, "The Triumph Experience" Latest Topics Table : The Triumph Experience may offer you more local advice, but after nearly sixty years that a car is a bit 'bitsa' (bitsa this, bitsa that!) is so common as to be usual. I think that in the US "Title" means the same as a UK 'V5', but, runnel, the serial numbers on body, engine and the cars VIN were never the same. That you even have a body number must mean that you have a very well preserved car! The body number was stamped on a metal strip rivetted in the front wheel well, where rain, snow and salt usually rust it away! But the Title number KC58841 is from 1969. John
  20. Shorely shome mishtake? You're not going to offer more for a clapped out engine? I could sell you one, that is NOT clapped out! John
  21. There was a well known Spitfire fitted with a Cosworth FVA engine, club racing in the Noughties.
  22. Yes, I find that a ratchet spanner tends to fall off the nut/bolt head on the return stroke, when a socket doesn't.
  23. Then, Colin, and others who visited long ago, you would be impressed by the way Les Amis have restored the circuit buildings! So may I repeat my appeal for anyone who has or intends to enjoy Le Circuit de Gueux to contribute to their struggle to continue their good work? https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=https%3A%2F%2Fadmin.amis-du-circuit-de-gueux.fr%2Fuploads%2F2023_Bulletin_Adhésion_ACG_bdb581f80c.docx&wdOrigin=BROWSELINK Thank you! John
  24. Ah, then as Rutty and Howard report to the contrary, my experience is out of date. Clearly my complaint caused them to up their game! John
  25. Howard, Some years ago, I paid the supplement to have speed camera warnings on my TomTom. They proved to be vastly out of date, like, for instance on the M6 north of Preston by FIVE YEARS! I complained and got my money back, so they must have been aware of the deficiencies. You might ask how often they update the warnings now. John
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