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bob dunn

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Everything posted by bob dunn

  1. I,m in the UK for Easter (Birmingham) driving from Dublin . Anyone got spare drive shafts for sale to a good home. to be fitted to a 75 spit.
  2. Sorry John didn,t look at this for a while. No cutting of the studs . They ran on a GT6 round the Ten Countries with std nuts . but I got a set of fresh ones from Canleys. £1.00 each .ps gt6 doors to go on  next.
  3. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpt1/t31.0-8/p600x600/10257823_10152612493872653_2784632971392606056_o.jpg
  4. Wheels are fitted, with a blob of thread lock on each stud. It looks very pretty.
  5. https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamai.....3493aff89e112386e529
  6. Do you have a dog , caus then you could get Doggles!!!
  7. I don,t like the idea of the centre punch either . I was hoping for a type of nyloc product . I remember a nyloc slug set in some how ?
  8. http://www.mwsint.com/uploadedfiles/userfiles/images/Fitting%20Bolt-on%20Hubs.jpg
  9. I,m tempted to use Thread- loc on the studs as I fit the wheel nuts to the spline adapters.  
  10. I fitted my screen in an hour with a pair of steel toe capped boots . You might like the method, 1, take the laces out of the boots ,2, fit rubber to screen ,3, tie laces to each other ,4, fit laces to rubber with the knot at the top middle(the knot is out of the rubber),5,place assembly bottom edge on the bottom horizontal edge of aparture ,6,soap it all ,7, pull out the laces with a big friend leaning on the screen ,8,put laces back in boots ,9,spend two weeks wondering about the soapy smell.
  11. http://www.rimmerbros.co.uk/ItemImages/Large/GRID007360.jpg
  12. How much should you wrap and with what.
  13. looking at a Toledo and the rear looks GT6 ish are they the same hubs.
  14. bob dunn

    oil cooler

    Sorry Very thick about oil , so what is good . Duckhams 20/50 .
  15. No not quit , the nuts that they were fitted with appear to be herald nuts ,so back to Rimmers . On the ones that I now have there is very little room to tighten up these nuts ,what is the method Ps what about Stud Lock .
  16. So the wheels last turned in anger in 2005 round ten countries. And I can get the actual nuts that went with the wheels . All supplied from Rimmers in 2005 ish.
  17. https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10157136_10152696994047346_4381597230328333175_n.jpg?oh=0dfbb5d5b8f696340d488cfaaf8aadd9&oe=550E3FBD&__gda__=1426425560_c005e5d5a991dce84947959baf78834f
  18. https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10610754_10152696995492346_843187941722096696_n.jpg?oh=b3b8cb349734d8f21efd6d895b3e7a6d&oe=55468EF5&__gda__=1426370174_bd71af39c3a690895bb69f0ce3838406
  19. https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1620686_10152770359562346_6887820166333741076_n.jpg?oh=f4bbaf8aaee04665f1ff1fa298232008&oe=550729C6&__gda__=1426986924_8f0aa68f5a737c284981475c2e15b962
  20. I,ve just bought some low mileage wire wheels but I have to get nuts . Are std herald nuts ok.
  21. bob dunn

    oil cooler

    Thanks lads I,l check the normal oil temp at 60mph steady running .In the west of Ireland most of my driving is at 60(100) with a 2hr coast to coast motorway at 75 mph(120).
  22. bob dunn

    oil cooler

    I think I will check the volume of the new re cored rad to see if it,s near to the gt6 rad . Question what is the volume of a gt6 rad.
  23. bob dunn

    oil cooler

    I,m planning to fit an oil cooler to my spit75 as  I fit a triumph 2000 engine the main piece I am short of is the spin on adapter with oil cooler connections . The new rad is from a morris 1000 but has had new core fitted with extra vertical tubes ,so I,m told its like 1 1/2 rads .I am fitting the engine 6" back and using a GT6 bonnet . What do you think.  
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