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Herald Coupé bodywork


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Looking for some advice and ideas.I recently bought my coupé,as reported in another thread and am about to start a full programme of rallyes. First up will be in the Alpes next month and I'll tell you about that later.
Anyway,if me and the car are still in one piece at the end of the year I want to do some work on the body.
The most important is the tops of the rear wings,on the inside edge at the door end.
Hope that has been described well enough?
What options are there? Are the wings in two parts,top and bottom?
Looking forward to your thoughts.


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Sorry for the lack of response earlier, BIG computer problems, hopefully now resolved.
If at all possible, avoid changing the rear wings. Repair rather than replace wherever possible with the rear panels. Body distortion is a real problem with Heralds, even original panels can be a nightmare to fit where a body has sagged. Sagging occurs with few isible signs until the top of the new wing panel is straight, compared to the curved face you are trying to mate it to...... good quality repair panels are available for all the regular rot spots.
The auction panels carry early part numbers specific to the 1959 and early 1960 Saloons. The lower seam will have shorter return edges where it meets the boot floor, and the B-post roof mountings will be different to those on later saloons.

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