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Herald/Vitesse HARD TOP(s)


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For sale. I have two.... don't ask !

Illness has forced me get rid of my 13/60cv and I have a raft of spares but the ones causing my wife to give me the most grief are the hardtops! Both in black, the honeybourne style is gloss, the other has a crinkle vinyl finish (and an interior light !!.) Wired that up iff you can??? 

Collection or you arrange courier. They charge under a ton.

Priced at less than half new cost from me at £350 gloss and 300 t'other. In North Tyneside. Mainly new rubbers and all fittings included. 

Picture von my car of gloss and bad pics in garage of vinyl. 




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  • Jeffds changed the title to Herald/Vitesse HARD TOP(s)
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Jeffds,

are these still available?  I'm looking for a hardtop for my Herald 1200.  If yes, a few extra questions: how do the hardtops latch on to the car, do both work in the same way?  Also what is the interior like, is there any sort of lining or is it the bare fibreglass?  Is the more expensive one in better condition or more sturdy or does that just reflect the price you paid?  Lastly, with the vinyl covered one, I couldn't quite tell from the photo but does the vinyl stop half way down the sides or is that just a seam?  Thanks in advance.

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Really sorry but these have sold. I have/am not too well so I'll update this now.

Edited to say that I cannot edit the original post re sold.

I also have two half shafts with hubs, a tonneau cover, a dynamo, a carb, a dizzy, 2 new fuel pumps (5psi natural !) Stacks of other bits and bobs including chrome trims and letters. I'll get my daughter to list them if interested. I'm not very capable atm.

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Cheers Spinach. Yes, I have the 'C' and my palliative treatment has 'frozen' my fingers and toes so no more fun with my classics.

Everything has to go ! 🙂

with regard to the tops, they had 'J' bolts that hook into the cv main pivot at top of B pillar and the chrome catches on top of screen.  The linings were fuzzy carpet type stuff. My gloss one just looked better in my view. No idea why I ended up with two.

and...yes, the vinyl stopped half way down pillar.

Good luck with your hunt. Ebay can be your friend, they ran £300-500 plus <£100 for courier. last year but they shot up recently. Mine went in hours. I should have asked more?

New price now 2k+ !!!

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