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Trying to track down my dads old TR7


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Hi all,

I have been trying to track down my dad old TR7 for ages but have never had any luck. My dad sadly passed away back in 2012 however he always used to tell me of the memories he used to have with this car. From what he told me it was green, I believe the colour was Java Green, and is a fixed head coupe version (my mum wanted him to get a blue convertible one but he wasnt having any it and went with the coupe version) the only other details I have about the car is the reg number which is ULM 111R and that he brought and owned it back in september 1987 and had it for just over a year. 

I was wondering if you had anyone knows the where abouts or owner of the car as I'd love to get in contact with them about it. my mum has said she too has many memories of it, one being the first long trip they did in it was driving from London to Nottingham and being on the M1 when the throttle cable jammed open my dad then had to try and get the car to stop on the hard shoulder pop the bonnet and in her words "wiggle something around" and then carry on with the drive there and back again with no problems. 
I do have a picture of the car that was sent to me on the t7 owners forum by a user who had spoken to the owner back in 2013 at the TRDC but I'm unsure of how to add it onto here?

I would love to get in contact with the current owner of the car. 
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