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Everything posted by DGF

  1. i had a conversation with one of my co-drivers..many years ago about the fuel cost V money raised thing..she asked why we didn't just not do the RBRR and give the charity the petrol money..she understood by the end
  2. Jim, i hope you washed it before you put it on ebay...... and nowt wrong with the acclaim..i bought one just to do the RBRR in ..we thrashed it round..had great fun it it ..the corderoy seat were very comfy
  3. only ever ran a three man crew once..well wasn't even that really..i had two cars and 5 people ..and that was mainly because Katie was still on L plates at the time...Katie doesn't want to use the saloon as she says it's too soft..so we're aiming for the spit...top down all the way
  4. yep you need the mk2 hub..else it fouls the caliper
  5. i'll have to start building the car early next year..we've decided it'll be too easy in a saloon so we're gonna do it in a mk3 spit...roof down  the whole way
  6. I'll be going on the reserve list as i won't be sending mine in till after chrimbo
  7. Here's a pic of mine with the miniltes on..it's got a new red door as i will be slowly replacing the old ones as they're a bit shot..did this one first as the glass has come out the runner and it's letting the weather in
  8. it was coming off the horse that was the prob..if she'd stayed on it!!!! .....and come on mike ...tell a woman what to do ..fat chance ...she don't even listen when i tell her to turn left ..and i'm the nav
  9. I will do ..she's coming out of hospital today....a bit of R&R and she'll be back behind the wheel
  10. If you live life on the edge ,the law of averages will occasionaly push you off no tut tut about it...i will rejoin next year for the RBRR .
  11. Scrapman is correct that i am not currently a CT member, so therefore my blog doesn't show on here but it's still there at triumphwaffle.blogspot.com not fully up to date as i've been busy toing and froing from hospitals...not injured myself this time
  12. i've got TR4 minilites on mine
  13. wasn't the traffic...we too overtook the TR6 on the way up...suffering from lack of air...it was more a disapointment  at the not that amazingly fab road..
  14. i drove stelvio for the first time this sept and to be honest i was a tad dissapointed.i've heard the hype about it being the best pas and all that ..whilst the views on the way up and down were stunning ,i've had more fun driving some other passes the hotel we stayed in at the top was not too dear and very nice though  
  15. Typo there ..it's 27th october...if i can get a quick journal polish and sump back on the saloon i might just come out for a play
  16. that's Ok ..when i was briefed to be scrutineer for events run by MSA approved clubs i was told catagorically the batteries held down with cable ties were NOT to be passed..but not all the batteries on my cars are clamped in any shape or form for their MOTs
  17. depend where you get your car moted... and dunno about the CT one but normally cable ties not allowed
  18. i do have my own plans to follow the Mille one year ..got them tucked away in the drawer for future years
  19. AndyF wrote:     “Rolduc is fantastic let’s always finish there” We did     “we never see any of the teams apart from at the start and finish”     “the social element is missing”. The control stops and the 2nd hotel night were introduced     “Why can’t we visit Riems”     “If we are going to the South of France we should do the Col de la Bonette”     “In 2013 we should re-visit the 2003 route “ 2013 route AndyF Some of those could be kept or dealt with similar...Rolduc is good ..but maybe summit silmilar elsewhere to better suit a new route not seeing any of the teams bit ...the controls never helped this.too many for so many cars to hit together..you could have one point per day ..maybe an hr stop for lunch, scheduled in over a 3 hr period ..that with the overnights would solve the social bit ..and as ferny said make the rest .way points
  20. I'm with Tim on that one about the RBRR.. on the one we did, can't remember which year ,RNLI,..we had to double back to pick up some friends that had fallen off a hill in scotland..we had to cut a couple of controls out to make brekkie in lands end..didn't expect to get a finishers ward but we did ..due to keeping the spirit of the event
  21. DGF

    wtd-- head gasket

    Just cos you haven't had someone ram 1000 notes through your letter box in the 1 hr 38mins between your two posts don't mean no one wants it ...i hate to say it ,but  [as someone who runs two businesses that to a certain degree rely on the seller] i'd say people are more put off by the person selling than the car or price
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