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Everything posted by Rosbif

  1. Interesting, ok so from Wiki but who posted it and what is their background? Wiki isn't a scientific body, just an internet information site. I don't know if the problems that are attributed to ethanol are real or not, on a personal level the fuel hoses in mt triumph are fine, bought from a proper supplier, I leave the petrol tank as it is at the end of the season and at the start of the next don't have any problems although I use E5 only. I suspect that people who have had problems with fuel hoses bought off the bay and blame ethanol would have had the same problems with non ethanol fuel - rubbish hoses. After all there are cars here that run on E5, E10 & E85. I ran my previous modern on E10 for 10 years and no issues.
  2. There doesn't seem to be a day goes by where someone reports the very poor quality and/or fake products being sold on the site you don't name 😉. I really, really am surprised that anyone buys stuff there. OK, there is a case for buying used parts from individuals and some good reliable, the numbers can be counted on the fingers on one hand probably, sellers but the majority . . Well it seems to be a real gamble. 🤞
  3. Changed the coolant this afternoon and then took the old stuff and a few other bits to the local recycling centre to run the engine properly up to temp. while out I went and bought new work trousers - 2 for the price of 1. I hadn't realised how severe the withdrawal symptoms had got, I needed the drive in the Triumph more than the car needed the run 😁.
  4. Rosbif


    Here's a starting point.
  5. I find the standard Herald tank in my 13/60 is big enough for my needs. I get mid to high 30's mpg and top up at 150 mile(ish) intervals. I have been know to carry a can of petrol in the boot when I go off on trips away just in case, but never needed to use it, I use small country roads where petrol stations are rare.
  6. Taking the point about water and E petrol a bit further, here there is E85 which is being used more and more I assume the car manufacturers are aware of the problem so what steps do they take to counter it? OK, the petrol tank is plastic so no rust but there is still the question of the water being injected into the engine instead of petrol. I must remember to discuss it with a friend who has had his 3 series BMW set up to run on it, he also has the good taste to own a classic - a 1959 Simca Aronde
  7. Earlier this week I replaced the sender in the tank of my 13/60, the tank still in place but driven enough to lower the petrol level below where the sender fits. While the sender was out I thought I would try and look inside to see what the state was. The matches kept going out* so I had to use a torch, it looked clean but I have no idea if it is the original or not, I think not because even the outside is quite good i.e. not dented, scratched etc. *Only kidding, even I'm not that stupid (just)
  8. Still not arrived here.
  9. That spanner probably goes back to the early 80's when I rode a Moto Guzzi.
  10. I've just got back inside after changing the petrol sender I bought about 3 weeks ago, I needed to drive the car until the tank level dropped to 'very low' or '$h*t' I need to fill up. This is the one I removed, a Smith's unit but I doubt if the 'modification' is factory. close up of the modification The reason I changed it was even with a tank full to the brim it only registered 3/4 full, once the level dropped it did seem to be accurate enough. The gauge was showing just on the 1/4 mark with the old unit, the new was almost on the E. I tested the unit and it gave 35 ohms at full (should be 20) and 265 at empty ( should be 270). The different readings probably explain the differences on the gauge. Next job put some fuel in!
  11. I've got a very old and worn 13mm open spanner that is now probably 13.25mm . . .
  12. ?? If you mean Crit Air restrictions there are several areas that have them. In fact my regional news last night reported on the zone to be introduced in September around Rouen.
  13. Hate to be a pedant but it's Crit Air, and yes only get it from the official site nobody else has the right to supply them.
  14. Doesn't need a condenser with the electronic unit
  15. When was the magazine posted?
  16. I've got a new petrol sender to fit. Only problem 😵 the tank is half full so I've got to drive it a bit more to use up the petrol before I do it. Such a hardship!
  17. Just to add,I haven't received mine either yet. It normally does take a little longer than in the UK to get all the way to hot & sunny Normandy Or maybe not . .
  18. The official designation for the group of countries England, Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland has always been UK. The use of GB on cars has been wrong ever since it was introduced,why all of a sudden someone realised the error I can only guess. My money is on some pro- Brexit numpty in the UK thinking it a good idea. To be honest nobody including gendarmes over here here gives a f*&t what sticker you put on the back of your car. Some have even thought that UK stands for Ukraine.
  19. I've just looked at the Green zone.EU site. To be honest I'm not convinced about it. To start with they offer the sticker for France, their photos of it aren't correct plus the only authorised site for getting one is the Crit Air site. I think the one for my previous car cost about 5€, they say 'from' 30+. The has also been a scam here with a site offering the exemption sticker for classics, however the details haven't yet been finalised let alone passed into law. Their list of zones might well be correct but to be honest in France just go for it and don't worry. Should you happen to be passing through a zone you have to be controlled by a person, I don't think any zones have automated systems, I would also wager that with a gendarme they would be more interested in the car than giving you a fine anyway. Bonne route!
  20. They are in the process of extending their zone to include communes around Lille, but not yet acted. Were you just unlucky and arrived on a high pollution day when all but the least polluting are banned until the weather improves? Latest situation in France Les dernières actualités ZFE La Fédération française des véhicules d’époque poursuit ses démarches auprès des grandes métropoles de France pour faire autoriser les véhicules d’époque à circuler dans les ZFE. Où en sommes-nous ? Voici les dernières actualités : Feu vert pour 6 métropoles où les arrêtés sont parus avec dérogation pour les véhicules de collection : Paris - lire l’arrêté Reims - lire l’arrêté Rouen - lire l’arrêté Nice - lire l’arrêté Toulouse – lire l’arrêté temporaire Montpellier Métropole : brochure ZFE consultable ici, voir page 6 3 métropoles dont les arrêtés sont à paraître, intégrant la dérogation pour les véhicules d’époque en certificat d’immatriculation de collection : Lyon : dossier règlementaire consultable ici, voir page 11 Strasbourg : guide pratique ZFE consultable ici, voir page 18 Grand Paris D’autres villes sont au stade de projets soumis à consultation : Grenoble Saint-Etienne Aix-Marseille Provence Bordeaux Enfin, voici la liste des 10 villes dont les ZFE sont en projet : Arras Clermont Ferrand Grand Annecy Grand Nancy Fort de France La Rochelle Lille Plaine commune Grand Paris Toulon Vallée de l’Arve
  21. In France there is no certificate for classics,yet. Classics are exempt from these restrictions in all the zones that exist at present I believe. However on days when pollution levels are particularly high they are banned just like other cars in the higher pollution categories.
  22. I would also add to measure from the top mark to where the dip stick sits in it's tube as that would affect where it sits in the oil, surely?
  23. You're driving on the wrong roads in that case. 😃 In my case a traffic jam consists of 2 cars following a tractor and trailer for 1 kilometer. There is even a town 45 minutes away where a classic car club now creates a traffic jam once a year to recreate the 60s/70s.
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