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Everything posted by Rosbif

  1. I've had Accuspark fitted to my 13/60 since 2015 and still going strong. That's probably jinxed it now 😵
  2. Welcome to the forum. I also learnt to drive in a Herald, a 13/60, back when I was 17. People here will want to see photos of your car, that I can promise you. I can also promise you, well maybe I had better not promise you anything - you'll soon get the idea. 😁
  3. 'Had' being the operative word 😁. It stopped when me and Missus Me moved south 😵
  4. My local town, here in France, organises a big event in March each year and according to this week's local paper the question of it being cancelled (again) has been raised. All these events need a lot of advance planning so although March is 3 months away in terms of planning it is very soon. Fingers crossed that spring will see these things happen - we all need something good to look forward to.
  5. I, for one, have a filter just before the pump. No problems, in fact it seems a lot of owners put one there. I just use the cheap plastic ones and when they get opaque replace them, not because it affects their efficiency I treat it as a 'service interval'
  6. Based on that video my 13/60 is losing 30% of its power due to the mechanical fan . . . Or not. This subject is getting more and more interesting.
  7. The parts diagram below is for the 13/60 which shows the seats being the elastic strap type, maybe your's are from a different model?
  8. My 13/60 of 1968 vintage had the rubbery elastic straps not springs. I don't know if they are the original seats. I replaced the straps with some lengths of strong elastic from my wife's bit box.
  9. Still exists, it passed come to me a couple of years ago some interesting cars and celebrity drivers, well celebrities here. https://www.peterauto.fr/en/tour-auto-2022-2/
  10. I've got one, but then I'm a dinosaur 😁 Had a Roomster for 10 years before the Yeti. Does what it says on the box. Bought mine for the load capacity, back seats come out easily, the fact that it is tall so getting in and out is ok for my back. I'm not a high mileage user so can't say about long term reliability but as most of it is WAG stuff it should be as reliable or not as other cars based on the same platform.
  11. Now that the dust has had time to settle after the rush to sign up, I'd like to say good luck to all and fingers crossed you all complete it without any problems🤞 I'll be keeping a watch on the thread to see where in France the start is, should it be 'local' to me I could well be there to see you off.
  12. Just seeing the word on a tyre brings me out in a cold sweat 🥶 I remember remoulds being available everywhere
  13. Glang: Beware! although no VAT is charged at the UK end the country importing it should want it from you, assuming where you live applies VAT, then there is the trap of import duties and possible charges made by the delivery company for clearing customs. Here in France I have seen several postings on a French Triumph club forum/FB where these charges have been far more than the value of the goods! If possible you want a company that sends it as duty paid, then you just have standard delivery costs (and maybe VAT). . . Very messy still at the moment with companies doing their own thing. The supplier whose name starts with an 'R' did send out an email to say that if you phone an order they can deal with it in this fashion. Then there are the lucky ones, like my wife who buys embroidery stuff from Scotland. She pays no VAT on the export, delivery is included and to date no no VAT etc at this end. As you are suffering Brexit have you tried non UK suppliers?
  14. Fingers crossed. Keep us informed on progress.
  15. That's going to keep you busy for,well let's just say 'several month's. Pleased you got one after all that waiting
  16. Welcome to the forum. On the plus side you should get all the answers to every question you have and even for those you haven't thought of. On the negative side . . . Can't think of one
  17. All the pipe from when it gets to the engine bay, to filter, between filter & pump and pump to carb is all the same 6mm on my 13/60
  18. Good intentions also have a 'use by date' 😁
  19. The stuff on my 13/60 must be metric as I bought it over the counter at a local car spares place. I took the old pipe and fittings and the guy cut the equivalent size. no leaks, smells or degradation after 6 years now. Invoice says Gates 3225, multi carburant, 6mm.
  20. No idea what it is but from the photo it looks tidy, in fact better than tidy - looks good !
  21. And it was probably a present from someone 😆
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