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I hope someone can help as this is driving me mad. I recently returned my Equipe GT4S to the road after a lay up of 30 years.
It still needs a lot of work but is now in every day use. The problem is the rear wheels wobble from side to side. I cannot find any play in the bushes though and the bearings sound fine, no grumbling noises. The UJs also seem fine. I have uploaded 2 videos to U Tube, one of each side which I hope shows the problem. The noises on the video are my home made exhaust I'm afraid, so ignore that if you can please ! The car makes a hollow sounding knocking when being driven although this dissapears somewhat when going 'round roundabouts ?

Hope someone has an idea for me.




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It could be wheel bearings and if they are the same as herald shafts then you can't really tell unless you remove the shaft and hub from the car or at least disconect all suspension components.
The suspension keeps presure from various directions and gives false impressions.
I thought my bearings were good but after removing the shaft and putting them in a vice I had massive amounts of movement and Dale at Moordale motors explained the above

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At first I thought like Dave, who is probably right, but your videos - keeping the camera still would help! - makes me think you have bent drive shafts.
Why, I have no idea.


PS Please, promise me, you will never, ever run the engine again with the car up on a jack.
ALWAYS axle stands!   J.

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Thanks guys.
I do have a bearing kit but alas no top hat puller, if I can get the time I'll try and make one. There is one on e bay but I can't afford £70 !
Sorry the camera was not held still, I was using a go pro with no viewing screen so I had no idea what the end result would be. Wasn't until I'd downloaded the video that I realised that the camera was moving so much, but you got the gist.
I normally always use axle stands, don't know why I didn't yesterday, getting old I reckon.
The shafts look like they are running true , like you, I can't see how they could be bent, bearings must be the reason I suspect as all the bushes seem fine.
I think the car may be going soon as it looks like I am going to be made redundant, but at least I can pass this info on to the new owner ,along with the new bearings for the job.
Thanks again. adrian

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