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Oil Light Viteese Mk11


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Hi Just went out in my Vitesse and noticed the oil light was on during idle. Went off when driving... but then came on again under low load and seemed to get worse so turned around and went slowly home. It had enough oil 3/4 between lines. By the time I was home it was on all the time at low revs.... no noises, no change in temperature :o. My haynes isnt helping... help!  Thanks  

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It could be a blocked oil filter,
or it could be the switch is playing up, shorting out too soon,

if it is this, then just leave it alone, as its acting like the ..high press swiches.. you can fit,
that will more than likely be on at idle, so you got one for free,. ;)

to check, you need to change filter, and bung a  worry  [ pressure ] gauge on,

regards marcus

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656 wrote:
Thanks for those tips... i will order new gauge and change oil filter ... will report on progress.....

Changing the filter can't do any harm, but I'd put money on it being the pressure switch.  Part number GPS117 - expect to pay around £5.  This part is not unique to Triumph engines - and is widely available.

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