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Mixture Adjustment - one carb stuck


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People had mentioned my stag smelt a bit rich and when I looked at the plugs they were a bit carbonated so I decided I would tweak the adjustment.  I decided I would weaken by about 1/4 of a turn.  On one carb adjusting the needle was fine, the other was very stiff and I only managed to turn it about 1/8th.

Following tweaking I took it for a drive and found it kept stalling so decided to increase the mixture again, the easy moving one was fine, but the other seems to be stuck fast.  It's running with out stalling now but I can't help feeling that something isn’t right with the carb if I can't adjust the needle.

Anyone come across this before and if so what’s the best fix, is carb re-build required?

Thanks for any advice, Paul

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o ring on the needle adjustment is breaking up and has expanded
bet it does not hold  oil either
remove carb tops
remove needles
tap out o ring and holder from the bottom

replace o ring
set both needles the same height

suggest 1 1/2  turns from richest setting

re fill with oil
tune and adjust

this link   will help



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oops   forgot the llink

2984 wrote:
o ring on the needle adjustment is breaking up and has expanded
bet it does not hold  oil either
remove carb tops
remove needles
tap out o ring and holder from the bottom

replace o ring
set both needles the same height

suggest 1 1/2  turns from richest setting

re fill with oil
tune and adjust

this link   will help



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That is indeed a good website for carb woes.  

I too have a somewhat stubborn carb needle in one side - this on recently rebuilt carbs - new O rings and all.
Being that it runs OK enough (though still a little richer than I'd prefer) I have left as is for the while.


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