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Spitfire MK 3 dash switch locknuts

Velocita Rosso

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I'm sure that there would have been although I have never seen or heard of one.  

Fairly easy to make out of a bit of appropriate diameter tubing - edit -I'm referring to the slotted type lock nuts not the Mk3 Spit type!

I have never really found the need for one though as the hex nut on the back is the real locknut I think - spin the chrome ring on finger tight to sit the switch at the correct level, spanner up the hex on the hex on the back to lock.

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1 hour ago, mikeyb said:

I'm sure that there would have been although I have never seen or heard of one.  

Fairly easy to make out of a bit of appropriate diameter tubing - edit -I'm referring to the slotted type lock nuts not the Mk3 Spit type!

I have never really found the need for one though as the hex nut on the back is the real locknut I think - spin the chrome ring on finger tight to sit the switch at the correct level, spanner up the hex on the hex on the back to lock.

a. you cant get a spanner on the back b. they didnt have a hex nut on the back

eg put the heater switch in and there is only enough thread to take the circular bezel nut on the front

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I've seen people use plastic tube of the appropriate diameter with part cut back to leave 2 "pegs" to engage the slots in the nut. I believe it's also possible to use the tool common to guitars? Like these: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/303851978672 but need to check the dimensions.

Or if you have deeper pockets... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/222809811801


Edited by yorkshire_spam
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41 minutes ago, yorkshire_spam said:

I: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/303851978672 but need to check the dimensions.

I think I would be fretting ....using this tool!!!. However it does look like it would work. What I`v e been looking at is a gripper socket....so the pins would connect to the slots  https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/socket-accessories/4601051/?cm_mmc=UK-PLA-DS3A-_-google-_-PLA_UK_EN_Hand_Tools_Whoop-_-Socket+Accessories_Whoop+(2)-_-4601051&matchtype=&pla-308900790441&gclid=Cj0KCQiA-qGNBhD3ARIsAO_o7ymIEdLRh_7POshktDmzSAvaHPTCsUP5ROcBKDaJXBtzVHS8Try8U1saAsGpEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds



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Yes ...misunderstood.....here we go again....slowly...when you insert the switch from the rear eg heater switch (I should have said bezel, not nut ) the switch emerges from the dash panel and the bezel ,screws on to the switch, that has notches around the circumference of the bezel......How are the bezels tightened properly if you have no corresponding tool/socket to do so..... 

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