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Passenger Side Rear Wing

Nick Jackson (2)

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Big day today.   Restarted the 'other' project for the winter i.e. the GT6.    

Opened up the LH rear wing, which was frilly/missing at the bottom sill and behind the wheel arch, and here's what I found!   Not bad I reckon.  Bit of work to do at the bottom but could have been much worse.  Here's some pic's attached.  

I'm going to a get a new complete rear wing, but when looking at picture 2481 what else do I need internally?  Is it an "Inner B Post Lower Repair Section"?  Difficult to tell from the Rimmers diagram.


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Yep, looking at the picture you mention that is indeed the inner B post repair panel. If I may make a wee suggestion, but it may be worth your while contacting the Likes of Canleys, James Paddocks etc (the smallker companies) to see what their prices are for body panels, I have generally found tham to be a lot cheaper than Rimmers and Moss!!

Also, check out the condition of your sills, I found it would have been alot easier to have welded the repair section to the sill strengthener without the wing in place!! (I was working on a MkIV Spitty mind, however looks vary similar to me!!)

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