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Canted bonnet (posibly duplicate post)

A TR7 16V

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Anybody know how I move the bonnet, down on the right I think, and or point me at the instructions?


I know I already posted this, and can still find it by a search, but can't find where it is. So if this is a duplicate, or it goes wrong again, sorry.

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That's not it. It does move the front of the bonnet up slightly, but moves it forward more, and that's the oposite of what's needed.

It looks like what I need is to modify the curve in the frame tube one side or t'other But I guess that'll need some heat on it and that means taking the bonnet off the car.

Unless there's a better way?


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Has it been accident damaged?

I posted in the other thread, before I got to this one however in addition to what's already been said: get hold of an old quilt or other heavy padding and throw it over the engine. Disconnect the bonnet completely from all attachments and rest it on the bulkhead and across the top of the engine, letting the padding protect it but also to hold it at the correct height. Once the gaps are correct THEN connect and tighten the mounting bolts. I refit the bonnet this way on all my cars and it saves an awful lot of fiddly tightening and adjusting.


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It's possible it's had a bump or two in it's history.

I see the slots in the bracket behind the overrider, but that only seems to let me move the bonnet a little bit up and rather more forward; whereas, I really need it to go up a lot, 15mm. There's scope for it to go back a bit, maybe 5mm.

To my eye, it's not that the pivot point needs to move forward on the car, which would make the gaps between the open bonnet and the car more correct, but not help the gaps when closed. Rather, the opened bonned wants to be moved forward w.r.t the pivot point. That will both move the bonnet forward when open and up when closed and correct the problem I want to fix. But the slots I can see don't give that.

Is there another slot that I'm not seeing?


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In the picture I added, the yellow arrow shows how I want to move the bonnet. I reckon if I take some of the curve out of the frame tube and move the pivot point up the slot in the bracket behind the overrider, that will do what I want. But can I take any of the curve out of the tube?

If I were able to get a jack under the low point of it, which I might just be able to do, will it unbend, or will the bracket sheer off first?

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