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Spitfire front suspension woes

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Morning folks,

Since I've had it (about 12 months) my Spitfire (1973) has made a creak/clunk occasionally under braking. Its been one of those 'I'll have a rummage on a nice day' sort of problems. However, returning from work the other day, the noise became more pronounced and less associated with braking. The noise is almost certainly coming from somewhere up front - it almost sounds like a socket knocking against the bulkhead (to give an idea of the sound). I've jacked the car up: there is some play in the offside front wheel bearing, all the bushes seem ok with a pry bar.

Does anyone have any other good ideas of where to look? I'm a bit gun-shy about driving it until I've located the noise - I had a trunnion fail twenty years ago (at low speed, fortunately), and don't fancy repeating the experience.


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Had a listen to the videos and couldn't really place it. I'd go round the suspension with a pry bar and check nothing moves and none of the chassis brackets are pulling loose or anything like that.

As a curve ball answer - could it be bonnet related? Hinge bushes or cones causing something to knapp on the bulkhead? I guess not - first video is with bonnet open - so it's not the cones or anything hitting the bulkhead - could be something in the hinge boxes though I guess?


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That could a rubber bushing that needs some lube.

Get someone to push the car.

Then grab the suspension arms, you will feel where it vibrates.

Then that bush is it !

I had it a few times, assembly with copper grease helped.

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