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Just wondered if anyone could help with a practical answer? I've been out of the country for the last 10 months. Came home and she started 2nd turn of the key! Problem is the clutch seems to be well stuck. Tried starting in gear with clutch in and handbrake on but flattened the battery in about 30 seconds! Recharged for 24 hours but still no joy. Same result. (Battery was disconnected while I was away and recharged before trying 1st start). Any advice appreciated please. TIA.
1982 DHC,standard build.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just start the engine - and let it come up to full temperature - the heat soak through the flywheel can often release the clutch plate.  If it's still no go - try again starting it in gear (hot engine) clutch down, and hand brake off of course so the car can move !  If still no good - you really need to get someone to tow you around an empty car park - with the car in gear and you pumping the clutch up and down.  
Just a thought - the clutch is releasing, yes ?  It's not a hydraulic leak that has lost all the fluid and the pedal is now  flopping up and down doing nothing ?

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Thanks for advice. Definitely stuck. Pedal operation is OK. A friend of mine suggested putting back end on axle stands and chocking front wheels then starting car in gear and running wheels up to speed before braking. Sounds a bit dodgy. Anyone tried this?

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Thanks Raider. Got about 2 feet to the XJR-s so will push it up to top of drive. Then run until hot and then try the first gear method. Not had much chance last few days. Hopefully ger her in for MOT then. Hope not too much to do after standing 13 months outdoors.  :-/

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Hello Jimbo,

have you freed it yet?
Seriously, the best method is just to drive it, being able to heel and toe helps. A warm engine so that it pulls well, engine off, select first depress and hold the clutch down and start the engine, accelerate and brake simultaneously and it will free in very short order. I wouldn't contemplate removing the gearbox.


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  • 2 weeks later...

What with the awful weather the last few weeks I haven't had chance to sort it. Hopefully this week. Thanks to all for advice. I have enough good suggestions to try. If none of them work then I guess gearbox out. I have every confidence though  :) Thanks again to everyone for ideas and suggestions. Jim.

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