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Everything posted by Jonny-Jimbo

  1. I had the results come through from the event this weekend - we came 35th out of 58 teams, so we didn't do too badly for our first go, and the 5th team of two out of 10. If scoreing can seem relevant we got 21 points out of 60, with the winning team getting 57, so we have a long, long way to go. Yet to be convinced we'll give it another go though...
  2. Too close to the summer scatter for me unfortunately, will have to give it a miss.
  3. Few entries started to trickle in now - hopefully get a good number going. Need at least 14 teams to make it financially viable unfortunately.
  4. I'd be up for this if I can enter as a member of Club Triumph but not in a Triumph? Might persuade AJ to use the MX5.
  5. Rogers point above is because there is a distinction between being a member of the club and a member of the clubs forum.
  6. Well, we did the CofL rally - and I have to say it's probably not one I'll be repeating. Too many roads closed, one way roads, bus lanes, people driving like total plums, etc etc etc. The rally itself could have been great fun. The easy questions were easy, Medium ones took some time, and the hard ones were impossible - they made my 'hard' questions on my rally look easy!! Some interesting cars around on the event - usual modern hatchbacks etc, but there was also a Golf Mk2 GTi (Can't remember the last time I saw one, and it have a Coventry 'VC' numberplate too), An MG Midget, Stag, Dolly Sprint, Bristol 410, Jorgan Mugen-Honda, Series 3 Landy and a 1920's fire engine!! Teams were mostly between 4 and 6 people; There were some teams with just two in, and I think the Stag was the only team of 3. Overall, it was a fun event, but not a 'motoring' event. We found it easier in the end to just park the car up and go on foot. Could be good with a bunch of mates in a daft car... But I don't think we'll try it again.
  7. I wasn't saying you were specifically wrong, but maybe I did misunderstand what you were saying - Indeed, you may not need a high torque with a spring washer, BUT a spring washer is NOT a locking device.
  8. Spring washers don't help hold stuff together - in fact, the opposite. You're trying to clamp together a collapsible/flexible part of an assembly, so it's just going to give - essentially you'll get joint decompression and self loostening because of it. NOT in every case, but tests show it to be the case in some scenarios. http://www.boltscience.com/pages/vibloose.htm There is a LOT of free information on that website. Well worth a read if you're thinking of home engineering anything. As Ian said too, if the threads are more lubricated then the bolt can turn more, giving greater elongation, but at a lower 'torque' setting.
  9. Hi all, Please see the attached documents for the entry form and regulations for this years event! As usual, any questions, please do not hesitate to ask... and I'll do my best to answer them! (If they're about the rally!) Thanks, Jon and AJ
  10. Hi all, I thought I'd get an announcement out for the "The Green Hell" rally - As with it's name sake in Germany, this years rally takes in some of the best rolling Warwickshire green countryside, but not all is going to be easy. There is the usual mix of simpler, hard and a few downright cryptic questions to tax your teams navigation skills! But don't worry! As always, there are enough at the fun end of the scale to ensure everyone enjoys themselves! The date we have lined up is Sunday July 2nd. The start location will be new again, and in the centre of the county. This is to allow for new areas to be explored, and give the teams (and organisers!) a new challenge. You will also need OS Map 151. The rally is planned on Edition C4, revised 1997, with selected revisions in 2012. Areas are being pin-pointed and question hunting has already commenced - as usual there will be a good mix of easy pointers and some devilishly tricky high points. There will be no picture round this year, but there will be something else to keep teams occupied during the lunch break! The event will be run for 24 cars again, with the intention these will be filled by CT. If they are not, the event will be opened to other local motoring clubs and interested individuals. The team bringing this event to you will change from our previous marshals but with myself at the helm as it were, AJ will be my sanity and provider of food - Expect the usual light breakfast, hot delicious home made lunch, and afternoon tea and cakes at the end. I am endeavouring to find a photographer again to document the event. It would be great to have a full contingent of Triumphs on this event, and hopefully welcome back some teams that have come to our events before as well as some new faces. More details to follow- including entry form and Regs. Cheers, Jon
  11. Surely if you use a harder bolt than standard (12.9 rather than 8., and do them to the same torque setting then they're more likely to come loose as the bolt will have a different elongation etc?
  12. Well done - I got mine over a year ago, and then the race car build stalled, so I had all the gear apart from the car! I remember back when there was the Jigsaw race series, almost all Triumphs, and a good mixed bag too. Some of the driving left a little to be desired at times though - very sad to see my friends GT6 punted hard at the Mallory Hairpin. Would be great to see an all-Triumph race again!
  13. I don't run them on the touring cars I run, but then again they do get the pads popped out between races and the pistons pushed into the bores and the surfaces wiped off. Could get annoying doing that every few weeks...
  14. The Rimmer one probably comes from Fitchets and is probably more expensive to boot. I understand that Fitchets are the best for panels - I think they own a lot of the original tooling.
  15. Probably too far away for most people to be withdrawing I guess...
  16. I would like to do this, but have family visiting from Canada and not sure if I'll be free that weekend or not!
  17. Nope, sadly not Colin - car's mostly okay, and holiday from work isn't a problem for me... but sometimes family comes first. Maybe next time... if we're still able to do it easily when we're not in the EU...
  18. We're now out of the 10CR, but I'll see if AJ is up for Border Raiders.
  19. Could you not pop the bezel and the glass off and paint the needle John?
  20. If you can get Timken bearings they're pretty well regarded. You don't have to buy bearings from a parts supplier. You can buy bearings very cheaply online if you have the dimensions. I bought new wheel and headstock bearings (SKF brand) for one of my motorbikes, and the total for the 6 bearings came to less than the cost of one set of front bearings from an eBay supplier selling cheap rubbish. Shop around, but try to ensure quality if possible.
  21. I could believe it - even with the bigger tyres most of todays cars have, the much increased mechanical grip and mass of the cars is going to wear them out much quicker. I could also believe that a lot of them will have knackered brake discs and pads too due to the mass and the fact they're automatic.
  22. KD did that on my Herald engine after it dropped the thrust washers on my way to work one day. Worked well right up until I sold the car two+ years later... and the guy that bought it then promptly crashed it...
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