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Bolt removal - rotoflex


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They can be (and frequently are) complete b@st@rds.  Hateful things.  I've done alot of them and also dealt with the after effects of some very untalented "removal" methods.

Heat.  Red heat. More heat.  BIG hammer.  Heat.  Long breaker bar (tends to snap bolt, which is not necessarily helpful). Also had reasonable results drilling through the bolt housing with a 3mm drill in several spots and dosing with Plus Gas for several days before returning to violence.

As far as the one that holds the radius arm bracket, unless the bracket is utterly beyond in-situ repair, just leave it alone!

It is possible to successfully drill them out with a hand held drill.  I've done several like this.  Requires a selection of sharp drills, care and plenty of patience.

Good luck....


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If ye cut thru the bolts, then if ye got a bigg stout vice, bung in, and plenty of heat with a good size gas bottle nozzle, about an inch is ok
heatup lowerbit, and wack with a mashe hammer and a good punch,if its flush wid the housing

go to other side if it moves a wee bit, and wak bak an forth
afew times its going, it will go

This also aplise to the shocker bolt.
BUTT, a method i use, is to crnch up in vice,and heat, and more vive pressure,
and all a sudden a bigg bang, as its fee,d off

secret is plenty of heat and pressure


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No, Ive had some  really hot, but its just the near area that gets really red hot.

tiptoptip,  bung some holes in, tap em, and some set bolts to tighten up against the bolt

then ye can take oot, and a few drops of oil into each hole, it stopps it frae rusting up

can also doo same to other bushes too,, and or grease nipples too.

nevr suffer another stuck bolt,!!


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