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I have a standard toledo 1300 and want tp upgrade the carbs,Is it best to change them to twin hs2 carbs aka soitfire ones or am I better going for twin hs4 carbs off a 1500 toledo?I assume there is less work using twin hs2 as they will be jetted ok

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Your assumptions are correct - I fitted twin HS4s to my 1300 many moons ago, and it was as lumpy as hell - Had the needles changed and it ran a bit better; but, still wasn't quite 'right'. Swapped the whole lot out for a pair of HS2s, and it was a different car 8) OK, you're never going to get blistering performance out of a 1300 without some serious engine work; but, the HS2s definitely made it a bit more lively.

PS Check the inlet manifold clearance over the exhaust manifold... the twin HS4 manifold I had wouldn't fit over the 1300 exhaust manifold. Had to change over to the 1500 exhaust... which is a bit better than the 1300 version as it has twin down-pipes.

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There was a thread on the TDC forum along these lines. You do the following:

1. Take a totally standard Dolomite 1300
2. Fit twin SU HS4s off a Dolly 1500
3. Fit a Dolly 1500 exhaust manifold
4. Fit a Dolly 1500 exhaust (has a slightly larger bore than the Dolly 1300 but is routed the same way)
5. Fit a 3.89 or 3.63 diff from a Dolly 1500

You could do the same mod on the Toledo but I suspect that you'd need to do a bit of fettling with the exhaust.

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How about a single 1 3/4" carb, or HIF44. I think kipping had success with these back in the 90's, should bolt onto the std inlet but may require a bit of smoothing to get rid of the step. Give Canley's a call, I am sure Dave Pearson could help.

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There is no need to re-jet the carbs and with the same manifolds & exhaust from the 1500 the basic set-up is the same. The HS4s as used on later Dolly 1500s were recommended. This should result in a small increase in power. This has been done by a couple of the TDC forum members. The thread on that forum is entitled "1300 TC..." I'm going to do this mod to Snowdrop as it can be done easily and without too much expense. (unless you buy all the bits brand new from R*mm*r's!)

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Toledo_Man wrote:
There is no need to re-jet the carbs and with the same manifolds & exhaust from the 1500 the basic set-up is the same.

I would have to dispute that one, Dave... the carbs are jetted for 1493cc; so, it naturally follows that they would be too rich for a 1296cc engine ! As I mentioned earlier - I did this transplant on my old 1300, with carbs from a 1500 Dolomite (Waxstats (Yeuch !) at first, later converted to 'straight' jets) and a full stainless 1500 exhaust system... it ran as lumpy as hell. Only changing the needles made it any better; but, it still wasn't right. HS2s were so much better; apparently, it was to do with the fuel/air mix velocity (faster on HS2s) through the venturis.... don't pretend to know the exact science of it all; but I do know the car ran a lot better with the smaller carbs.

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These are some words of wisdom from one of my Dolomite friends:

"Timing will be wrong and possibly running a little lean as well. Set the timing to the correct 10BTDC setting, see how it goes and then (assuming the carbs are set up properly at idle) wind the jet nuts down one flat each and road test to 6000 rpm, repeat as required. Also check that the advance mechanism and vacuum unit are working properly, remembering that at any give accelerator pedal position you are creating twice as much throttle opening (by area) as you would be on a single carb, so the pistons won't be rising in their chambers quite so much. It really is a trial-and-error thing but doesn't take long to get it right."

Hope this is of any help.

Rob, I'm one of the P&P members so if I take you up on your offer (does it come with a manifold?) then you can fetch them to the next P&P meeting.

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