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Knock From The Rear - Universal Joints


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Ive got knocking from the rear that I can hear when I'm not on the accelerator and from what Ive read chances are its the UJ's.  Im going to overhaul the diff whilst Im under as its got a slight drip but Im wondering how many UJ's I need?  1 for each side driveshaft but then are there any to replace on the prop shaft.  If so will these most likely need replacing or do they just last forever?

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Before diving into the diff, ensure the breather is clear. It's located above the rear mounting lug on the righthand side. There's a splitpin loosely in the hole, which theoretically keeps it clear, but after 40+ years it's usually full of thick oily muck. With a  blocked breather, the oil is forced out as the air expands when the diff warms up in use.

Just one UJ on each driveshaft. No harm in also doing those on the prop, but they won't be responsible for the knocking. Remember that the halfshaft UJ's need to be set tight, unlike those on the propshaft which are set reasonably loose,


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I only found out by talking to Dave Saunders at Triumph Spares near Worcester. I'd changed the UJ's and the knock was still present!

Took everything apart this winter and found one of the UJ cups was VERY easy to to remove and refit. Measured the yokes and the the 'easy' one was about .01mm (.004") bigger than the rest.

I've reassembled it using a .004" shim wrapped around the cup, not very clever but its worked so far!

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