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Scotland - MSCC Autotest 24 July

Doug Paterson

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Bit short notice but the MSCC will be holding its July Autotest on Sunday 24th at Coulter (near biggar).

If interested in entering you need to be a member of MSCC (which costs £15) and the event itself costs £15.

Not usually many Triumphs but usually a great mix of cars.

The website is www.mscc.org.uk in case everyone is interested.

I hope to start looking into possibilities for opening entries to MSCC events up to Scottish CT members in future but I expect that is one for the next AGM.

Hope to have some pics and videos afterwards....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well the Autotest at Coulter was close to the most fun I've had in the Spitfire, however I don't think my class winning record is going to continue (Results are not in yet mind).

After all the recent rain, the grass was pretty long and although its been baking hot for a couple of days the morning tests were like driving on ice (albeit like a bunch of lunatics on ice).  

I managed a full 360 degree spin on my first (Admittedly gung ho) test and on my second approached the finish line fully sideways before straightening up and ONLY JUST touching one of the cones.

In the afternoon the sun had baked the exposed earth and boy the going was much quicker with grippy straights and madly slippy corners.  Fantastic fun and some great times in the afternoon, on my final run it almost felt like the car had learned the route and I was just hanging on for dear life.

Quite a variety of cars taking part as shown in the pics which I'll post up shortly - sadly no action pics of my Spitfire yet as these are from my own camera - however I'm hoping some other folks will send me some.

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