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Radiator fan switch...


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Hello all,

Greenies cooling fan seams to have gone on the fritz, was working spot on and kicking in at just over 1/4 on the guage, keeping it all nice and cool - but now seams to be not kicking in till the temp is up to 3/4 on the guage.

I suspect the fan switch in the radiator - are replacements easy to get?  :-/

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I don't expect them to be that common by the looks of them so they may be a tad more expensive than you'd expect or need ordering from a local motor factors. Go along and ask.

It may be ok though. Take it out and put it in some water with a thermometer and put a meter on it with the contact setting. The meter should make a sound when it gets to 88.5°C and stop when it drops below 82°C.

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