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radiator coming to boil!!!!!!!


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1970 triunph spitfire Mk III cooling system continues to boil everytime i take it out even after 2-3 miles.  Yes I'm in tucson arizona, very hot - but its been cooler lately in the evening due to the monsoon and it still over heats.  I've flushed the radiator unscrewed the block drain - no obvious obstructions....  The carb idles at about 2500 3000rpm so i'm working on that but is that the problem or is there something else I should be looking at ?  I replaced thermostat 160 F..   The block just seems to get super hot Is this normal?  the temp gauge hasn't even passed half even when I can hear it come to boil...   Just sad finally have a spit that runs.........  

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photos or video would help . if you wanted to make an engine to do this you would need no flow at all . i would take out the thermostate ,leave the rad cap of , put a thermoeter in the top of the rad , check compression , check for bubbles in the water. bubbles = new cyl head gasket . is water pump u/s , good luck

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Your 2500-3000 rpm idle suggests a vacuum leak. Vacuum leak= lean running off-idle = running hotter than normal.
Temp gauges usually read above middle of scale, so below middle is suspect. Possibly a bad sender or gauge.
If you run it with the cap off once it opens the thermostat check for flow by looking in the radiator.
                                                                             Good Luck,

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So after taking apart all hoses and lines I found the heater valve to have been completley obstructed with what seems like it could have been glue and sand......  Could this have been the previous owners doing ?   Could the cooling system work if this was obstructed and your not using the heater etc?  

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Take one garden hose, disconnect the heater in and outlets,turn water on to hose ,attach hose to heater pipes in turn .
This will clear out the heater matrix , which in turn also helps to reduce your engine temp
Then attach garden  hose to all other engine hoses and flush out
You will be amazed at what comes out of the heater matrix

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