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Alternator move

Martins Stag

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I have treaded myself to a Tony Hart Alternator kit that moves the alternator up higher on the passenger side. Has anyone fitted this and do they have any tips? Also it mentions extending the wiring but no more.  I assume the cabling needs to be of a reasonable gauge and is the easiest way of doing it to buy a new alternator plug and make up a loom back to where the existing plug is? Tony mentions running this along the radiator panel again any tips would be appreciated?


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  • 1 year later...

Roger Just got round to moving the alternator and the only problem I can across was that the Wards loom was only 4 feet long. Tony Hart recommend running the wiring behind the front valance but with the Wards loom it is too short to do this. What will end up doing is replacing the loom with a home made one to keep all the wiring away from the engine. The look is only made up of three leads.



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