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Everything posted by McJim

  1. Mike Charlton told me that Blyth had expanded yet I can't find any information on it. Even the company's own website makes no mention of it. Anyone local who can confirm that Blyth is now also on the west side of the A1(M). Jim.
  2. Would be good if it was. Plenty of atmosphere and spectators that seemed to be lacking at Wetherby. I hear that the services have expanded on the west side of the A1(M) which could give us more room. But it's early days yet and I'm sure they'll be quite a few changes and additions that are in the process of being organised. Jim.
  3. Watched the website from 12:00 with only a 40 minute break to go pick Katy up from her office party at 2:00. Was about to give at 5:00, then noticed a certain Timbancroft61 had logged on and thought "Why is Tim on at this time in the morning.  He must know something." Tiredness was about to overtake me and I'd set 5:10 as when I would go to bed but one last refresh and the much waited for "ENTER" button was there. Entry filled and payment accepted by 5:15 and off to bed as lucky no. 7. Team Scotch Pie Hunters are on their way. Jim.
  4. Looking at the Awards Dinner list of "entrants", the "ENTER" box does appear on top of the list of those taking part. Jim.
  5. I have the Gordano stare right now. Little things on my screen going round and round and round and ..... Jim.
  6. I have to go and pick up my daughter from her office party at some ungodly hour, so I have more than one reason to be sitting in front of a computer. Jim.
  7. Tweets have just reappeared. So much for that then! Jim.
  8. Tweets have just disappeared off the homepage. Something about to happen?
  9. I would set this thing up for the ENTER button to appear at 4:00am when everyone's fed up and gone to bed.  Plus you get the joy of pissing everybody off. Jim.
  10. When the "ENTER" button appears - your guess is as good as mine when that'll happen. Jim.
  11. We had a clear view in 2018 but we were running a little late. First time I'd ever seen it. Jim.
  12. So far, I've nearly entered the Club Triumph Annual Awards Dinner 4 times.   Jim.
  13. Any idea what page the "ENTER" button will pop up on? Refreshing 4 pages at the moment. Jim.
  14. While it is an organised event it is not a competitive event. Your normal social, domestic and pleasure insurance will cover you for the RBRR, just the same as it would for a club treasure hunt. Jim.
  15.   Hi Sarah. Dodging along as usual. Still not had the engine rebuilt on the Spitfire.  Loads of issues with it.  Now using a secondhand block as the original was shot.  New crankshaft and oil pump too but hopefully back before Christmas.  Just not sure if it's going to be this one or the next. Daughter, Katy, really looking forward to the RBRR - we have unfinished business. Still going to try for a low number - well, it's part of the fun, isn't it. Hope you're all well too and I'll see you next October.   Jim.
  16. Shame about that. Part of the fun was trying to get as low a number as possible. 2018 RBRR Car No. 4.   Jim.
  17. Quoted from timbancroft61- Sarah and Andrew Johnson's two children are taking part in a 2000 mk2 with their parent's great friend Paul Darbyshire as their chaperone. Is "chaperone" French for ballast?  Just asking. As opposed to the rest of us old farts! Well, thanks Tim. Jim.    
  18. I think you'll be lucky to find an classic car insurance company that'll take on a 17 year old. I had the same problem trying to insure Katy, who was 20 at the time to allow her to take part in the 2018 RBRR in the Spitfire. In the end, we gave up and transferred the insurance of a spare car, an Astra SXi, parked that on the driveway, we live in a very quiet, low crime area and paid about £200 per month for two months, then transferred the insurance back to the Astra. Next time, Katy will be older and she can add other cars to her policy even if that's only for a month or two but you can bet it won't be cheap. A bigger worry for me was her lack of experience in long distance night time driving as she had passed her test less than a year before. I freely admit that I couldn't sleep for worrying about her getting hurt if she nodded off. This time she is much more experienced but I still think I'll have trouble sleeping. Well, she's still my wee girl even if she's 5'9".   Jim.
  19. I`ll let the accountants officially answer that....along the same lines as to why the max entry level of The RBRR has been reduced.   As a past organiser of many motoring events, I can easily see why the maximum number of starters has been reduced. Imagine trying to find locations for controls that can cater for 160 cars and then advise Seaview and Land's End that there are going to be in excess of 320 people to be fed. Then you have all the withdrawals - about 40 last time and you have to advise Seaview and Land's End "Sorry but we only have 240 people now" just a few days before the start. What a wasted effort getting permission for large control locations when we could have done with smaller locations, which are more plentiful and you begin to see why the organising committee has made this decision. Think about it.  All those extra meals for the crews who withdrew still have to be paid for at a cost to the Club. And let's face it, there will probably be a maximum of 125 starters, the largest number ever to actually take part as opposed to 160 entrants, a good number of whom would never have made it as far as Knebworth for whatever reason. There will be a reserve list and Tim has already stated that no one has ever been denied an entry due to the number of vehicles taking part, so why all the worry and consternation over a problem that doesn't exist. I think too many of you are confusing the reduced number of starters on the day with the  greater amount of entrants the 2020 RBRR will undoubtably receive.  At least the £50 penalty for withdrawing an entry may concentrate minds as well as cushioning the financial hit the Club has to take. This is a massive undertaking.  125 cars driving 2000 miles around Britain requiring controls,  dealing with landowners, who do not always play ball - look at Morrisons in Stirling on the last event, food, organising marshals, sponsorship, a start and finish venue that can cater for the entire event at one go, at not inconsiderable financial risk to the Club and all organised by volunteers. The RBRR has become such a legendary event that when we're all driving around in electric cars and internal combustion has become a thing of the past, people will marvel at what was acheived by the people who took part in those funny old cars and by those who organised it. This is a superbly organised event and I can only think of LeJog as being of a comparable stature but you need a good few thousand quid to enter that. Best of luck to Nigel, Tim and co.  Can't wait to be sitting in Knebworth, ready for the off. Rant over and thanks for reading this far.  I love you all too. Jim.  
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