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Rotoflex telescopic conversion questions

Straight Six

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I want to fit Koni shocks on my MkII Vitesse. Having rung a supplier it appears that they do not sell Konis for the rear of a roto Vitesse because (quote) 'there is something funny about them, and the kits that are out there are rubbish'.

Does anyone know why konis cannot be fitted to a Vitesse? Having experienced failure of Spax shocks a few months after fitting them to the front of my car I really don't want to go down that route again.


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You don't say who you spoke to, but what do they know?

The TSSC sell a conversion kit, extension arms from the top of the rear diff subframe and a pair of Spaxes.  The system works well - I've had it on my race Vitesse for years, but using Avos.

The problem might be that a shocker with a short throw is required baoiut 80mm AFAICR.  The extensions may be availabvle seprately, not from TSSC but consider the kit: http://www.tssc.org.uk/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=62&Itemid=59

Jigsaw also do a similar kit, in fact Canley do too, I think.


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I used to have this type of kit on my GT6, found the limited travel of the shocker a problem and have gone back to the orig. mk2 GT6 shocker mount within the wheelarch.

However as the car now has CV shafts, I may use the chassis mounts as Spit/Herald/GT6 mk1/Vit mk 1 etc.

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I was considering this conversion whilst I`m in the middle of the suspension rebuild and converting to CV jointed driveshafts. After having spoken to Dave Pearson at Canleys he intimated that some kits on the market had a shocker in with the incorrect travel, he also said that a well sorted car with lever arms in good condition works well ( We didn`t speak about the racers tho`, only for road use). I`m going to try with the lever arms and see how it goes. If I`m unhappy then maybe I`ll try a conversion kit but do some homework on the correct shockers first. Steve.

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I'm using the chassis extension arms (home made copies of the TSSC ones) and std Herald/mk 1 Vit dampers.  Work ok but maybe allow a little too much droop for the health of the rotoflexes.  The latter doesn't matter now with CV joints....  You definitely don't want the GT6 roto ones - they are too long.

I wonder what you would find if you measured and compared the open/closed lengths of the 'equivalent' models of all the respective makes, OE, Armstrong, County, Spax, Koni, AVO, Gaz et al.  Bet there would be some differences   ;D


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AVO telescopic (single adjustment) part No. XXXX 110/080 (that's open length 11", travel 80mm) £50 each from Demon Tweeks, prob much less elsewhere but I have the catalogue open.  XXXX is the additional code for diameter/single-doubleadj/bush-sphericals. - see the DT catalogue.  There is a wide range to choose from.

Or ask AVO: http://www.avouk.com/pm/105


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