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Oil Pressure Guage Pipe Connection

Dave Butler

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Hello all.

Anybody got an clever techniques for pushing the oil pressure pipe onto the connector at the back of the dash pressure gauge?

Tried putting the pipe in hot water, putting the metal connector in the freezer, lubricating the end of the connector, shouting at it....

Furthest I've managed to get it on is about half a cm, which is clearly not enough.

I'm considering heating the metal connector and pushing it on that way, but it seems a bit drastic.

Any ideas or is it just brute force?


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Hi Dave,
          so you tried shouting at it and it didn't work - a stubborn bu99er. Have you tried swearing at it.

As mentioned above warm the plastic with a hair dryer. Also warm the metal nozzle on  the gauge.
if left cold it will instantly chill the plastic.
DON'T get the nozzle glowing red - bad idea.

Swearing is still an option.


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Thanks gents.

I will try the hair dryer tonight.... should be able to have use of it for a good hour whilst my daughter takes a shower.... if that doesn't work I will attack it with her GHD hair straighteners... those things are vicious, use more electricity than a MIG welder!!

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