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16 important OIL questions answered!


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This is advertising for your company via the back door.  It will not be tolerated, and we have nicely asked you to desist from posting these before, more than once.

This is the third time!

I have deleted the original post for the reasons I've just given.

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I am not sure what he posted but I have used Opie oils for a few years now.
And found their service excellent (next day) and very competitive on price for especially Synthetic oil
I have also had several very enlightening chats and emails with them
And found them extremely knowledgeable in all things oil unlike some dipsticks!
Simon even sponsored me £200 pounds for the 2004 RBRR and I met up with him for breakfast at the Lands Ends stop.
Really nice guy very much a car enthusiast!

Seems the moderator Nazis are in O/D at the moment!

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Rules is Rules
Back door advertising is out OK
But this forum seems to have melted down on some front door advertising
Like Dave (did I mention I run a triumph business) Pearson
Dave (wanna buy a dellorto) Sideways
I have picture in my mind of GTEVO lurking just outside the main door at Stonleigh with a Spivs Hat and tash long over coat saying Psst Oh ere wanna hot Cam fifty nicker!
I don’t have a problem with these folk at ALL.
I was just relating my experience with Opie
Its easy to shut out the back door advertising it’s the front door that seems the REAL problem!

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We try to act fairly, and in the spirit of the rules.  I certainly don't want to be a rules 'nazi'.  The problem is that many members have reported Opies posts in the past, and feel it is advertising by the back door.

Many members reported this last post too.

We didn't delete the last couple of posts by Opie as we were trying to be fair and show consideration but I did contact Opie raising our concerns regarding the posts made, mentioning the members concerns and asking Opie to consider the rules and how close they were to them.

Opie doesn't contribute to the forum on a regular basis.  If he did perhaps we'd be prepared to waive a border line advertising post, as we do others who are regular contributors to the club.  The only time Opie posts is to post 'answers' to questions that haven't been asked, and are usually pointing, whether directly or not, to Opie Oils.

I don't dispute they are a good company, nor do I dispute their facts.  However their method of giving those facts in relation to the forum, the club and its rules is unacceptable in our opinion, and they have been told this twice before!

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Apologies for posting this, we thought it would be of interest to your members and was not blatant or any form of advertising but factual ramblings by a renown chemist, commisioned by us.

We have removed Club Triumph from the list of Clubs to whom we give discounts and we will not be posting here again.

Regretfully those Members that use our services will now lose out.

Simon Barnard

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Nice one GT6 John! are you sure your not Scottish!
He may not contribute much to the forum but I did get a good discount so that was a benefit to the Club the Forum and its members!
I wonder if Dave Sideways Club gets a discount!

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gairn wrote:

I wonder if Dave Sideways Club gets a discount!

If my memory serves me right sideways was pretty annoyed with the spam from oilman, so I doubt you will get a lot of action from tho oilman over there.

The oilman were warned in earlier threads - and even though some of his post were quite interesting, it was advertising. He could just have paid for an add, and tehre would be no problems. Or at least have removed the links in his article.

I consider the admin action to be a fair call here.


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I'm sure that if those who enjoyed a discount from oilman contacted him he will still honour this. Either that or lose your trade completely, and if he's a businessman he will not want to do that nor lose his 'foot in the door'.  I know nothing about oilman or his product but his petulant attitude seems at odds with running a business based on advertising. Upsetting his existing clients within this club is not good advertising as the only person he/she has hurt are customers, and by doing that his own income....strange??

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Oilmans income is based on fuel oil and diesel NOT selling 20/50 to Joe public.  He supports local motorcycle clubs etc and supplies discounted oils and other odds and ends that are sometimes tricky to get from the local motor factors.  I do get my bike and now car oil from him at a good rate, I also get proper 90 for the gearbox as well; which is like hens teeth in the local shops.

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Not much profit in fuel oil or diesel currently, its a buyers market.  Fuel oil in particular is at the mercy of groups of domestic users clubbing together and buying all their oil at the same time for a large discount. A seller will avoid upsetting these buyers as there are plenty of fuel oil companies out there plying for a decreasing market. In this day and age a trader can ill afford to upset any customer because A. they will lose that persons business and also word of mouth sales.
B. they will go to a competitor for their needs and his/her profits will increase.
C. confidence that the trader has the customer at the centre of his/her business plan will suffer, which means a great deal these days.

As I say oilman, against who I bear no grudge at all, has deliberately hurt the Club Triumph members who are his customers, in order to annoy them enough for them to put pressure on the Mods for him.  He has given them the bullits to fire as it were.  A tad transparent and not good business sense.  Shame because all this has led me to look at his site and it's full of good stuff!  I think I've been reverse psychologised!! Still not parted with money yet and at the end of the day thats what running a business is all about.  
Tell me to shut up if going on :-)

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