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H guys,
My Spit was running a little rough before the winter so decided to give the fuel system (and other bits) a rebuild. Got a kit for the carbs but didnt have the right jets in it (I have waxstats) or main needles, and am now puzzled. Is there any way I can check to see if the original waxstats were knackered without buying new ones? Also, can anyone give me a very quick idea on changing the needle? Is it worth it? What do you gain by choosing a different one? Any recommendations? Stick with the original?
Any info greatly appreciated

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Hello Kevin,

did it have jets in, as the waxstats haven't a good reputation as far as reliability goes, so they're often modified so they don't adjust automatically? If you have new non waxstat jets, just use them. Use your existing needles, you shouldn't need new ones. If the engine is standard, use the specified needle.


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The jets need to move, thats how the enrichment works for cold starts.

There should be a metal bar, going from the choke cams to the red body of the jet. (it goes round a few corners en-route, but thats where i starts and ends) maybe the new jets just dont come with the arms.

Personally I would ditch the waxstats, I hear they are more trouble than they are worth.....

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