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1500 twin carb airbox ?


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The only thing missing from the 1500 Dolomite engine (together with autobox) I intend fitting to the Herald I'm having  is the air filter housing.
I've been looking on eBay for Dolomite 1500, Spitfire & Midget but none seem to be offered.
I'm not bothered about "originality" so can anyone tell me if an airbox off any other models will fit or can be adapted such as 1850 Dolomite, Vitesse, etc to the 1500 engine ?


Paul Humphries

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marktheherald wrote:
I've got two of these in Eastbourne if that's any help.  Mark.

I'm defiantley interested as it'd save me trawling eBay.
Biggest problem is price as limted funds for "toys" at present.
Please PM me with how much you'd want - plus obviously extra for P&P.

Paul Humphries.

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