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Dizzy advance unit

Steve Cureton

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My dizzy advance unit isn't working as there's no resistance if I suck on the pipe. The pipe is in good order so the unit itself must be scuppered. This is one of the few jobs I've never even looked at before, I presume it's just a matter of buying a replacement advance unit and swapping them over but any advice gratefully received as the Haynes manual is next to useless for this task.

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You don't say what car this is on - I presume your Vitesse.  Physically it's very easy to swap.  There is a little wire clip on the end of the threaded shaft that sticks through the external timing adjuster nut.  Pop this off and unscrew the adjuster nut.  Take care not to loose the little springclippy thing that gives the click effect.  Under the cap, use a screwdriver to pop the loop off the peg on the points plate and you should be able to remove it.  Refitting the reverse etc etc.  Check ignition timing when complete.

The hard part will be getting a replacement.  Note that not all vac advance capsules are the same -they have different advance characteristics.  the numbers are marked on the can.

See http://www.teglerizer.com/mgstuff/advance_curves.htm for info on how to interpret them and what they should (probably) be.

Note that the Vitesse has fairly aggressive characteristic which could be a disadvantage in that on my car at least it used to cause severe light throttle pinking on unleaded.  I fitted a different one (can't remember what offhand but still have it somewhere so can look if you're interested).  This means that spending ages hunting down exactly the right one is probably a waste of time!



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Thanks Nick, that's an excellent detailed reply and it sounds like an easy enough job. The car is a 1200 Herald but I expect the principle is the same, just got to find the right unit now. I have got a spare Herald awaiting restoration so I'll take a look if that's the got the right reference number (assuming it's working of course). I prefer to locate one from elsewher if I can as I don't want to end with a Herald in so many bits I can't rebuild it when the time comes.


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