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Vitesse bonnet alignment


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I've worked out how to do the vertical adjustment on the bonnet from Mr Haynes and other sources, but how do you go about shifting it over a bit horizontally? it could do with half an inch over to the n/s, it's catching on the overriders.

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That suggests to me that there is something amiss with the bonnet mounting points, perhaps the car has been in a small shunt and pushed the front tubular bar out of alignment, or the bar has been replaced at some point and not been fitted quite right, or maybe the bonnet frame is bent?

Start with the easiest bit - the bonnet frame. Do the mounting arms look central and straight? I don't think you will get much adjustment on the frame but if it is bent then you could either straighten it or look for a secondhand one, I suspect many bonnets are scrapped through wing rot even though the frames are in good condition.

Edit: Just had a re-think - is the bonnet out of line at the bulkhead too? If not then it is only the over-rider that needs to be adjusted. If it is out of line at the bulkhead then my first thoughts need to be investigated.

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and check the slide height strap brackets are all fitted the right way , Im sure they have a small dog leg so can affect the l/r position of the bonnet a little
and despite the manuals show the slot at the bottom it should be at the top, parts list shows them the correct way, so the pivot is in a sized hole to allow pivoting  and the slot is at the top to give you the up down movement


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ok thanks, I'll give this a go this morning.

It lines up fairly well at the bulkhead, although there seems to be difference in where the tube goes behind the front of the inner arch.

It's only since I've started messing with the bonnet that it seems to have shifted. It was needing to be higher at the front, but it always did come really close to the overriders. I've got some newly chromed ones on the way and I'm not wanting to scratch them to bits .

where's the slide height strap brackets Pete?

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they are located under/inside the overider,, take the OR off and you will see the slotted link there are 2,one each side of the pivot boss on the end of the support tube ,

bet there are upside down, you will see , if the pivot bolt is in the slot it has to be loose enough to allow rotation of the tube boss. there is no spacer inside !!!, then its not tight enough to hold its position in the slot and gravity will allow the bonnet to drop down the slot ..   nuts  

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