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Looking to buy seal kits. There seems to be a difference in them, listed by suppliers of a Type 16P/16PB caliper.

Any pointers to how I can identify which ones I have on mine (Vitesse mk1 2Litre), though may have been swapped over time I guess.

Any help great please.

Cheers, Dave


Yours are likely to be 16Ps - at least, that is what it would have been born with.

The give away is the dust seal on the pistons.  The P has no visible clip as the rubber tucks into a groove in the cylinder and is a howling git to fit (until you get the knack, which takes about 4 to learn....).

The PB does have visible wire clip holding the dust seal in place and a stepped piston.  These are much easier to deal with.

P & PB are directly interchangeable (not uncommon to find one of each).  There is also the later M16 which is the metric version of the PB and looks very similar except that the threads are different and the mounting holes are subtly bigger.



Thanks Nick

Can't see the wire clips, but will take the wheels off for a better look.

It appears the different pistons have different seals, looking on Rimmers site.

Could the pistons also have been mixed and matched for the different calipers please.

Ideally, have to have the seals ready to fit when I take calipers apart, as is everyday car.

Thanks, Dave

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