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Water pipe on cylinder head


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Hi all

I have a 2500TC engine in a mk1 GT6. I was installing all new water pipe and have ran into a hitch. I have 2 heater pipes coming from bulkhead with a matching send and return on the heater valve... that leaves me with this odd one out on the head. Form the pics I can find the GT6 seems to have this blanked so what is this for on the 2500 and what should it be connected to?

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Can't remember about the 2500TC/S, but on the PI there is no water pipe through the inlet manifold. So one pipe behind the exhaust manifold carries the return and the feed for the heater comes off the back of the head. (Quite good for cooling the head)  ;)

The heater valve is on the heater unit inside the passenger compartment.

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On Spitfires it is Triumph part number 57602. I wouldn't be surprised if Gt6s use the same piece.

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