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Low mileage Acclaim, high mileage panels


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I have just purchased an acclaim, 13 years after I last owned one. It is a green HLS with the urghh chocolate brown interior. 42 000 miles, 11 months MOT 2 months tax. I thought I'd got a bargain but the guy had used a 'gallery picture' so it didnt resemble the condition in the picture one little bit. Is this legal? It sure doesnt seem ethical.

Anyhows, It is a genuine 42k, the interior is immacculate, cig lighter not used and everything works. Problem is the car has previously been bought and three of the doors, the boot lid, exhaust front right wing etc. exchanged for tatty ones off another, slightly different green car.  The wheels arent original. Look like something off a maestro. The bumpers are dented etc.

My first instinct was to scrap the car due to looking so tatty but the original car panels and structure is so good. Only slight rust around arches and front vallence and 2 welds on the sills. This lovely little motor has been abused and I have now decided to throw good money after bad as my girlfriend has put it and sort the bodywork.

Does anyone know where I can purchase a very cheap or free!!!!! acclaim with decent body panels? Or someone who deals in acclaim spares.

Does anyone know of anyone who has restored one of these cars properly. If so, are there any pictures and tips about? Are there any good web sites for pictures, tips etc. It took me ages to stumble upon this site.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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if you can get a sound strucure your onto a winner, panels are readily available, see what quiller have got is good bet. about £70 for fiberglass wings, are also an option, as the fit isn't bad, n wont rust again. smith and deakin do them. bootlids dnt rust that much, although one with out ripples are hard to find, but worth it as ripples are a bugger to remove. mmm brown interior, suits the car well, adds to its retro charm. in my opinion nothing beats brown for retro cudos. but then i would say that i got 2 toledos, brown, with brown interior, and one dolly in same combo.
Please persivere, we salute u!

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You can still pick up genuine front wings from Rimmers for around £30 to £50 I think. I think Rover parts will still sell front and rear bumpers for around £60 each and new bootlids go for £100. Doors will be more of a problem - try Wins in Surrey for secondhand ones.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the help. I reached a different conclusion though....

I was a bit dissatisfied with HLS anyway when I really wanted a CD. So I have ventured out to Kent last weekend to purchase a Black CD with black interior. Amazing condition. The arches are totally intact with no rust. The engine, however, is totally clapped out.

I am gearing up for the engine swap this weekend.

Does anyone have any tips for this procedure as the job will be carried out by 2 inexperienced but handy ish people with only the help of a Haynes manual.

The job for feb is to lower the car and fit a decent set of low profile alloys. Any advice, recommendations on that one would be greatly appreciated. Has anyone done this or know of anyone who has?

Oh oh. I'm getting badly hooked on the acclaim. Is this a mid life crisis at the age of 33?

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Barry & Caroline McGrath have a wealth of Acclaim parts so it might be worth giving them a try. Only trouble is that like me they're in Bradford. Maybe it's a bit too far for you. Caroline has posted on here so find one of her posts and send her a private message. I'm a bit loath to give out their contact details "in public" so to speak. If you're a club member then you can also pick the brains of Christopher Green who is the club's consultant for the Acclaim. His contact details can be found in the mag.

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Cheers for not publicising our details Dave! If you are a club member my number's in the magazine as I'm the librarian. However, last monrh my number inside the front cover wasn't right - please see the back issues page for the correct number.

We don't have many if any body panels spare. But in terms of engine swap, "we" have done a few. I only watched and made tea, being a girl, so Barry's the best contact for advice, not me. It was done in someone's single garage we'd borrowed, and didn't involve an engine hoist.

And we did get quite expert at swapping interiors (all bits) in a couple of hours when we couldn't make up our mind one weekend which was the best colour for the car. It was so long ago I can't even remember which car it was.


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changing an engine without a hoist!  joy of joys!  how wonderful that would be on a trump saloon.  even with a hoist it's a nightmare of a job, but as with most things, gets easier each time.  i even cause less damage each time, so i must be improving.  mind you, i guess lifting an iron 6 plus g/box out of a closed body saloon isn't that easy for one person on most cars, so maybe i shouldn't complain.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Just for interest purposes here are some pictures. A bit of an update on the black acclaim which I have spent too much time on lately so I'm told.

Just incase anyone is interested in changing the wheels for super duper low profiles -17" do fit. I did however have to use 5mm spacers on the rear wheels to prevent rubbing against the struts.

A garaged leather suite with broken springs (thanks to my lovely kids) has been cut up and has made a fairly good half leather interior.... trial and error but looks really cool. Black material navy blue leather. I have a very understanding girlfriend!!!!! and a mother who is a dab hand on a machine. If you want to see then let me know (show off)

The engine was generally ok. Just needed to change the carb and get the existing engine tuned up and it now runs sweet as a nut. I am keeping the 42k engine block as I will no doubt need this in the next few years.

Finally, has anyone uprated the shockers, springs and brakes. If you have then would like to hear what you did and used. Has anyone upgraded the locks? Was central locking available on the acclaim as an extra? If so does anyone know where to get one. If not has anyone managed to used one off another type of car?

Here is a pic for anyone interested.

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