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clutch release bearing???


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There is a high pitched squeal/whistle when driving.It stops when the clutch is depressed. I've been told it's the clutch release bearing. It feels that this is the problem ........ Questions!;-
How easy is it to rectify? I've read up in the manual and think I could manage it. Has  anyone any tips or warnings?

I was told that it is not an urgent problem and the car would go on for a long time like this. But  me thinks it needs to be fixed before the 10 CR.

P.S. All you new owners of Heralds; -why not have a weekend run around Europe in them; ----Come on and join the 10 Counties Run.

Thanks,in advance to those who are prepared to share their knowledge and expertise with us all.

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I wouldn't be too concerned about it - I'm trying to remember if I've ever owned a Herald which didn't have a noisy clutch release bearing.......
10 CR - maybe I should see about taking my Indian built 4 (5?) door Herald Estate, not too keen on the idea of hammering it around Europe on 948cc though. :-/

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I guess this means I don't have to do your dirty work for you ginger - you heard the experts: "don't worry about the noise unless you're prepared to put Consuela into overdirve..."

Saves me a job, but I was kind of looking forward to taking the lid of the gearbox anyway - not many cars you can do that in are there??

I should say at this point that I am a previously silent member of Team 11 (at the moment just in charge of navigation and the other team member).  However, now that I have access to the forum, I can provide the counter-weight to Ginger's stories of yore  ;)

More soon


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As responsible for 10 CR communications for team 11, it's nice to see that you are taking your role seriously.
You are also i/c finding out why Consuela is using more clutch fluid than petrol.

As I overhauled the mastercylinder last  year  I suspect the slave -cylinder  or the joint where the pipe meets it. If it is likely to be anything else I'm someone will give us a lead. This will give you a chance to take off the gearbox cover.

Looking forward to other comments from pmwilkerson on the 10 CR forum, and to his buying his first triumph .Any way ;no more banter;-the 'cars' forum is only for technical problems & advice.

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