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Thermostat housing


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Hi All,

I'm after a thermostat housing for my Vitesse. I've been rebuilding the cooling system recently, and when I came to clean it up I felt that it was far far too corroded to use again, so ideally, does anyone have one available for free / beer-tokens? I could do with it promptly, so I would like to pay postage rather than waiting for Stoneleigh etc.

If needs be I will wait, but I'd like to get both cars to Stoneleigh if at all possible.

If needs be, I have loads of Spitfire / Vitesse / Herald bits so may be able to do a swap for other parts of similar value etc.

Thanks in advance.

PS - My PM system does not work so please email me (jon_fazowell*at*hotmail.com)

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peterhlewis wrote:
if you are unsuccessful some of the ford fiesta ones fit as an alternative


I know these fit Heralds, but is the Vitesse the same as the Gt6 version? Not sure if I have any, but I certainly have the Herald ones if they're the same. I'll check tomorrow.

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I think Herald ones will be no good as the Vitesse one is sloped to clear the bonnet and the Herald one is essentially just domed.

As for the Fiesta ones, any idea of the age of Fiesta / engine as I know a chap locally who's breaking a few Fiestas and his parts are really cheap, but he's the type of guy where you have to know EXACTLY what to get before going...

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