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Vitesse overdrive gearbox

Andy Fl

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Following an earlier thread which I posted about a Vitesse overdrive gearbox ( please see http://club.triumph.org.uk/cgi-bin/forum10/Blah.pl/Blah.pl?m-1212354882/s-0/#num0) I am wondering if anyone can help me to identify if this is actually a three synchro gearbox or a four. (Sorry about the state of the photo ...it is a bit blurred)

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Thanks Nick. (and thanks for your responses in the earlier thread too). I suppose my dilemna now is that my car is currently running a non-overdrive four synchro box and I don't really want to lose the facility of having synchro on first gear. Is it possible to take the innards out of the four synchro box and rebuild the three synchro overdrive box, or is that asking for trouble?

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Erm.... dunno!  Not tried that combination.  I don't think so.  You may be able to use your 4 synchro as a base, add a 4 synchro OD type mainshaft and use the adaptor plate and OD from the 3 synchro.  I'd strongly suggest checking with someone who really knows the answer first though!  Dave Pearson or Mick Papworth would be 2 candiates that spring to mind though there are others.....

4 synchro box also a fair bit stronger than the Vitesse 6 one I believe, although not exactly bullet proof....



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