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Ignition coil wiring


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I currently have a 12V coil which I'm intending to replace with the standard 6V coil/ballast resistor combination. My problem is that the wires available under the bonnet don't correspond exactly to any of the wiring diagrams I can find. I have three white/orange wires (two seem to have power when cranking, one whenever the ignition is on,) one white/slate one and the purple one from the luminition unit. If anyone else has a similar combination of wires, please could you let me know which is supposed to connect to where?


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You don't need the one that has power (only) when cranking; it's a wire from the starter motor that is meant to bypass the Ballast Resistor. The purpose is to provide 12v to the coil when starting rather than 6v the engine normally has when running.

Effectively it hot wires the coil and gives the ignition system a boost when the car is cold.

A 12v coil gives a more powerful spark all the time.

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Sorry jsargent; me bad. I did not read your first post properly.

The feed from the ignition switch goes to one side of the Ballast Resistor the other side has a wire that then goes to the coil.

The wire from the starter goes to to the same side as the coil wire effectively bypassing the resistor when cranking.


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I know the priciple - I just have too many wires (compared to all the wiring diagrams), so I can hazzard a guess on what to do with them all, but I was hoping someone else had a similarly excessive connector count already wired up to a ballast coil. Sorry if I didn't explain myself very clearly.

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