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Matt Neale

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The original Springs are marked FRONT on the top middle where the Clamp plate fix's them to the Diff.

I don't think it matters either but presumably there must be a reason why they where stamped FRONT

Can Bill (Rarebits) shed any light on the matter?  

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It's come up a lot in the past. I think I asked about it when trying to sort out a wonky rear ages ago as well. No idea why it's got FRONT on it but it makes no difference. It's only real use was to know which way to turn it to try and cure a wonky car so you could get the "weak" side for the passenger side!

Sorry for the short first reply. I was on my phone then.

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garyf wrote:

I don't think it matters either but presumably there must be a reason why they where stamped FRONT

When spring manufacturers were clever enough to do such things springs could be built to a driver only specification (different tension side to side). In practical terms though it matters not.

It used to be possible to turn springs around when they had gone soft on the drivers side and get a few more years out of them.

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