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Starting Spitfire engine after 6+ years


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I am looking to get my spitfire mkiv 1.3l engine started but I have very little mechanical knowledge regarding doing it but i'd love to learn!

I'm just not sure really where to start or what to do. If you were able to give me a step by step guide or something similar to help me try and fire her up I'd greatly appreciate it!

What would be the best place to start? It's had fuel in it for over 5 years so i guess getting this out would be the starting position?


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Do you know if the engine was running before it was laid up?
Do you know if things like the carbs/distributor has been worked on/disturbed since it was laid up?

IF it's not been messed with.... it should start.
If it has been messed with you have some prep work to do in terms of points gaps, plug gaps, static timing and some rough guesses on setting the carbs. Oh and checking that the HT leads are correctly connected!

Yes... if possible extract the old fuel (usual warnings/cautions apply)
To start with personally I'd turn it over on the starter without the coil connected to get the oil pressure up.
I'd also be tempted if you get it started to lay out for new oil, filter (oil+air), plugs, points and condenser.  

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The rocker covers gasket seal has perished and it wasn't bolted into the engine itself for many years which has led to some rust on the arms.

The distributor cap,along with the HT leads have also been removed but I'm not sure on where they are (I know they're in the garage somewhere!!)
The car was running before it was put away, but it had some problems with the overdrive not engaging which is why it was left. The carbs also havn't been touched but i'm thinking about removing them and cleaning them up especially if they've been sat for a while. Would this not be a good thing to do so early on? Should i try get it started before messing with the carbs?

Thanks for the information though!! 8) As i said, i have very little knowledge about these engines so every little helps  :P

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You are going to need to re-fit the dizzy and HT, then do the timing - there's tons of stuff on t'internet on how to do it...
If there's rust in the rocker assembly then you have a cleaning up job to do.
Rust floating round in the oil will make a fantastic abrasive/grinding paste (pretty much the last thing you need!)
You could probably do with finding another Triumpher or Petrol Head in your area to take a look over things and give you a to-do list for what needs sorting before you get it running.

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I've looked lots online but will look again for the things you've mentioned! I live near York, but i'm not a club member so don't know if anyone lives nearby  :-/

I'll remove the rockers and give them a clean up and then re-fit the cover. I will then set to finding the cap and HT's then set the timing. My brother is a mechanic so I will ask him to take a look, I just enjoy doing things myself as it'll help me learn for when i'm doing a project on my own in the future!

Thanks again yorkshire spam!:) It's much appreciated :P

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Check your coolant too! (or at least check that you have some!)
Oooooh also, worth trying to turn the engine over by hand and if it's not run for ages you might want to take the plugs out and run a little fresh engine oil down into the bores - don't want to wind those pistons up and down too much in the cylinders with no lubrication.

The reason I suggest getting somebody to look at it is that viewing it would spot the obvious whereas trying to diagnose over the internet is not easy. By all means do the work yourself!

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I know for sure that there's no coolant in her! I have read alot about it but i'm unsure as most of them require the engine to be running to bring it to temperature to fill it right up and get coolant around the system. This isn't possible with my spitfire as I may put the coolant in and not be able to fire it up....

I completely understand what you're saying and i'll get someone who actually knows what they're doing to take a look for me!

What at minimum would you think needs doing before even contemplating trying to turn her over? A list would be best :P

Thanks again  :)

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Just a little plain engine oil down the bores
My list... but I may forget things....
Coolant system connected up, fill with water top up once it's running.
Starter motor wired up
HT/LT Electrics (dizzy, plugs etc)
Fuel plumbed up to fuel pump (even if it's from a jerry can on the floor rather than the tank)
Choke connected
Oil checked - change if the least bit suspect.
Anything rusty sorted (like the rockers etc.) and rocker cover fitted.
Connect the exhaust if you can, otherwise you'll either deafen or gas yourself (unless you are outside)
Turn over by hand and make sure everything is nice and free (nice clean engine oil down the bore first!)
Others hopefully will come along and point out the stuff I've missed/forgotten.

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Alright, awesome! I'm outside so not to worry :P, and if others were able to help that'd be great!

I'll be sure to get to this and then report back :) Would it be worth leaving the spark plugs out after lubricating it and then turning it over with no spark plugs? I understand this will be alot easier and i just thought it may be better if it's been sat for a long time?

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Before going for a start up turn over by hand with the spark plugs out, it'll make it easier as there'll be less compression on the engine.

Once this is done, stick them back in and spin it over on the starter with the lead from the coil to the dizzy disconnected to get the oil pressure up, have you got an oil pressure gauge? It may be worth rigging one up temporarily.

Then once you've done all your checks and everything seems ok, reconnected everything and go for a start up with your fingers crossed.

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Another thing to add to your list.

If it has sat for 6+ years with fuel in it the carbs may be gummed up.  After you have turned it over on the starter with the air filters off see if you can smell fuel as the carb mouth. If you can not the jet may be blocked in which case it will never start. I wouldn't strip them straight away as if it was running when parked you want to get it running with as few changes as possible so you can diagnose what needs fixing.

You can remove both the needle and the jet without removing the carbs from the car and also the float bowl valve which is likely to have perished. So if you don't get fuel the jet  is possibly blocked, remove and clean (this assumes the pump is working) or you get way to much i.e. is it over flowing  - the float valve is perished and allowing to much fuel in - you will need to replace the valve and the seat. (You can get a kit for Burlin or other suppliers)

I also find a squirt of carb cleaner helps starting as it is very volatile and ignites very easily this then helps the petrol to start flowing through the carb. But take it easy with it, allot of it could cause a back fire.

Best of luck,

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Alright, i'm noting these in my memory bank and will take my laptop outside when the time comes to try get her started! In order to turn her over by hand, would i need to remove the rad and fan? My brother said I would need to but i'm unsure on why?

Thanks again!!

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6797 wrote:
You should (just) be able to turn over by hand on the bottom pulley - no need to remove rad/fan

That's right , i've tried it some times when my car was standing for just not a year , just watch your fingers when the fan belt is fitted   ;) i forgot that the first time  >:( but you learn from your mistakes  ;D

keep uploading photo's also , we all love them ;)

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7112 wrote:
I've not had any major changes with my restoration, just the odd small thing such as spraying the rocker cover, fastening the bonnet back so it pivots, removing overriders/bumpers, washing etc so not really worth photographing! :P

i've taken a photograph of nearly everything i changed or removed ...  :P something not (just forgot it..) but now i can see how it was and how it is now  ;) Hope you keep restoring here, like i did  :)

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I'll get some pictures tomorrow then!! haha  ;D

I'll be sure to not catch my fingers in anything, even after todays incident where i ended up hitting myself in the face with a pair of water pump pliers and making my nose bleed  :o

Are you turning the engine over from underneath or above? I cant remember if there was enough room underneath in order to get anything onto the nut to turn it over  :-/

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7112 wrote:
I'll get some pictures tomorrow then!! haha  ;D

I'll be sure to not catch my fingers in anything, even after todays incident where i ended up hitting myself in the face with a pair of water pump pliers and making my nose bleed  :o

Are you turning the engine over from underneath or above? I cant remember if there was enough room underneath in order to get anything onto the nut to turn it over  :-/

i turned it with my hands on the bottom pully, but that was with the bonnet and rad out of the way  :B

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6797 wrote:
I managed to turn it on the bottom pulley with everything in place, but I've got skinny arms.
I believe I said "ooooooooh flipping heck" or something like that when I trapped my fingers.

You said 'ooh flipping heck'?  yeah right  ;D If you heard me this week when i was installing the radio housing again !  ??)
Ps: i've also got skinny arms ( But now back to the thread  ;))

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