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Spitfire seat covers...


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I am looking to try and replace teh seat covers in my 1500, they are dirty and torn so need replacing, the foams are good as were replaced 2 years ago but since then the covers have developed a few rips so time to change them.

it currently has a beige interior  with houndstooth seats, but as these are over £200 i wont be putting the same ones back in, far too expensive for me, i havd found on ebay someone selling vinyl ones for £70 but they only do black or dark brown, no use to me as would have to be the beige colour, anyone know anywhere that sells these for a reasonable price? the car is def not a show winner as my only car so not looking for perfect match, just covers with no tears and a close enough colour.


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have been thinking about repairing the ones i have but think they are too far gone, thinking now about getting either black or dark brown vinyl as far cheaper as as it does get used as a workhorse the vinyl might last better, does anyone have any pics of a beige / light tan interior with either black or dark brown seats so can see which look better?


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