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Hi All,

I have a retro fit engine oil cooler and have replaced the hoses as they were starting to look tired and brittle. Since doing so I noticed the thermostat valve is now leaking. Rimmers want £75 plus vat for a new one and with only four weeks before Spa I am running out of time and cash to replace. I know it's a bodge but can I get away with bypassing it and replacing later? I know this will mean it will take longer for the engine to come up to temperature but will it have any other effects too? Am I likely to cause any damage? Will it affect oil pressure?

Any thoughts and help gratefully received please.



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Is the thermostat  separate frae the filter.!!
has it got 2 bolts holding it togither.

If so, undo the bolts, and inside the 2 halfs, there is a bigg O ring.
it will be this thats leaking,
the pipes where they enter the thing,   unscrew em if it is this, and  re seal using a Lok tite stuff


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