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Smiths Oil Gauge


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I've got hold of a mechanical oil pressure gauge and a t-piece to retain the oil pressure warning light.  Is fitting as simple as just unscrewing the current pressure switch for the warning light and screwing in the new bits or are there any Do's and Don'ts?

Thanks, Phil

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I used braided oil pipe supplied by Mini spares (in the UK). they delivered in quick time and the price was preety good. I have heard that using anything else is a little risky due to the worrying loss of oil that would inevitably ensue if the oil pipe is damaged in any way.

Of course you would notice with the oil pressure drop but that might be too late!


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On my old spitty I switched to an electrical oil gauge sender after a catastrphic oil leak into the passenger footwell after the pipe I'd fitted to the back of the dash mounted guage came loose - first sign was my green oil warning light - emergency stop and a rust protected floor for several months.

I have elecrical units on both spit and gt6 and have had no pipe / union worries at all. just a caution to make sure that all that oil stays where it should stay.

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