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Why not fit an oil temperature guage first?
Then you'll know if you need one - oil should be around water boiling point.

Oil temp guage looks as if you mean it, and lots on eBay from MGFs - Why, beats me - are they being crashed and stripped all the time?


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On most road going Triumph engines I'd say don't bother.  However, for a 1500, based on previous experience of running them in Heralds I'm inclined to say that it is a good move, although I would entirely agree with those who say that an oil thermostat should be fitted too.


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and the best way to obtain one would be to :---

buy new from the usaual places or can a good system be had from the likes of ebay
if so what do i look for, not many triumph ones on there but there are loads of mg type things !!
10 row or 13 for the rad, and are all the fittings the same (rad end)
do i just get a rad, then a fitting kit for the 1500

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May I suggest


Note that there is a degree of risk when using s/h coolers of unknown history as should the engine attached to it have died horribly, the cooler may contain slime, shrapnel or whatever, which would be difficult to shift even if you knew it was there......


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