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After having a rotten bonnet on the car then collecting another rotten but slightly improved bonnet then collecting another freebee bonnet I have decided to build one decent one out of the best panels and some new panels.

This will be completed on the car so as to assist with lining everything up.

Has anyone done this , and if so could you share some of your learnt wisdom?

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When assembling remember to put the step between the top panel and the wings so it matches the doors :), you can also use seam sealer to help prevent corrosion later. If you are using any new remanufactured panels you will find they are quite thin and are damages easily they also distort easier :-/

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Rather than take full panels from my donor bonnet I decided to make a series of small repairs to maintain the overall shape.  Removing the stiffener around the headlamp from the donor was a real pig of a job. There area few pics on this link.  Not sure if it's of any help.  Probably not the best welder out there!


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2026 wrote:
Rather than take full panels from my donor bonnet I decided to make a series of small repairs to maintain the overall shape.  Removing the stiffener around the headlamp from the donor was a real pig of a job. There area few pics on this link.  Not sure if it's of any help.  Probably not the best welder out there!


Hadnt seen your site before Matt interesting viewing. Where are you up to now?

On the three bonnets i have had one had a good top panel, all three have had rough wings, one is reusable but had already been repaired. The wheel arches i can use again between the three! The front panel rotten on all three, hence the need for repair.

Its just the bonnet then off for an MOT.

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I can send you pics of the remains of my spare bonnet if that would help.  It's just taking up room in my already cramped garage. I'm in Sheffield.

My project is a very slow process.  Two main reasons. A lack of time and absolutely no experience.  I am hoping to get the tub back on this weekend but I've been saying that for weeks now and I never get a chance to get any time on it.  Once it looks like a car again I hope it will kick start the whole restoration.


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Mine started in 2010, couple of years back I went to the Triumph show at Gaydon. I saw some right wrecks still on the road, which inspired me to get it to a position where it will be a rolling Resto.  So mine will be hopefully to the tester this year then I'll know what needs fixing...

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HI Guys i have a similar bonnet but just at the point of taking my car appart rather than putting things back on Matt, i know what you mean though about getting inspiration once you get to a certain spot when your putting things back onto a car your pace seems to quicken and the mood lifts and you suddenly feel enthusiastic lol hoping to have mine a rolling resto by summer fingers crossed a following wind and please spare me some time

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